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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Pretty comfortable pattern setting up for the next several days*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low pushed a cold front through the region yesterday and it will result in comfortable conditions around here for the mid-week. There will be another cold frontal passage later in the week with a reinforcing shot of cool air for the Tennessee Valley. Meanwhile, the tropical scene in the Atlantic Basin remains quite quiet as September comes to an end.

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1:30 PM (Tuesday) | *Threat of heavy rainfall as slow-moving cold front grinds to the coast…reinforcing cool shot for the weekend…western states turn hotter and stay dry with enhanced wildfire threat*

Paul Dorian

A slow-moving cold front will produce rain in the Mid-Atlantic region from later today into early Wednesday and some of the rain will be heavy at times and embedded strong thunderstorms are possible. It’ll turn a little cooler at mid-week, but a second cold front will bring an even cooler air into the eastern states for the upcoming weekend. As the central and eastern states experience significant rainfall and an unfolding colder weather pattern, the western states will get hotter and stay dry and this will enhance the wildfire threat.

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7:00 AM | *A couple of cold fronts impact the region next few days*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low will dive southeast today towards the Ohio Valley and it should produce mainly cloudy skies around here today with the chance of afternoon showers. It’ll turn quite cool tonight following the passage of a cold frontal system and there will be another cold frontal passage later in the week with a reinforcing shot of cool air for the Tennessee Valley. Meanwhile, the tropical scene in the Atlantic Basin remains quite quiet as September comes to an end.

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7:00 AM | *Cold air outbreak for the central and eastern US later next week*

Paul Dorian

The Atlantic Basin has entered a relatively quiet period with respect to tropical activity and it may last for several days. However, there is little doubt that this is just temporary reprieve as sea surface temperatures remain quite warm across the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and the southwestern Atlantic. The upper air pattern across the nation will change next week to one that will feature an intense upper-level trough of low pressure over the central and eastern US and a strong high pressure ridge along the west coast. As a result, colder-than-normal conditions will dominate the central and eastern US by later next week and hot, dry weather is likely in the western states which will increase the chance of wildfires.

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7:00 AM | *Much cooler-than-normal today and the threat for some heavy rainfall*

Paul Dorian

The combination of a frontal system pushing northward from our south, an upper-level jet streak, and some leftover moisture from “Beta” will increase chances today for showers and thunderstorms and some of the rain can be heavy at times. An upper-level trough will shift to our east on Friday, but the threat for showers and storms will continue for another day. It turns warmer this weekend across the Tennessee Valley, but a look at the longer-term suggests it could turn quite cool later next week in much of the central and eastern US.

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7:00 AM | *Drier pattern of recent days coming to an end*

Paul Dorian

Clouds will increase today as some moisture pushes into the region from the moisture field of Tropical Storm Beta. In fact, it’ll be much more humid by later today and the chance of showers and thunderstorms will increase along with the humidity. The atmosphere will remain rather tropical as we head through the latter part of the week and an upper-level trough approaches from the northwest.

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7:00 AM | *A bit warmer for the second half of the week and more unsettled*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure to our north continues to be the main player for the Tennessee Valley as it extends from the Great Lakes region to the northern Atlantic. As a result, we’ll have plenty of sunshine again today with comfortable conditions, but it’ll turn a bit warmer for the second half of the week and more unsettled. As that same high shifts eastward, a southwesterly flow of air will develop around here at mid-week and moisture will be on the rise. The chance of showers and thunderstorms will also increase in the Tennessee Valley and it may turn rather wet around here towards the end of the week.

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7:00 AM | *Quite a comfortable start to the week*

Paul Dorian

Strong high pressure extends from the central US to the northern Atlantic as we begin the new work week and it will remain the dominate player around here for the next few days. As a result, we’ll have plenty of sunshine for today and tomorrow and dry weather to mid-week. Temperatures will be quite comfortable with highs in the 70’s both today and Tuesday and then we’ll warm for the second half of the week.

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1:00 PM (Fri) | *Get out the Greek alphabet…”Wilfred” has been taken…Hurricane Teddy to effect Bermuda then it may directly impact Nova Scotia…Gulf system continues to meander...a threat for Texas*

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm Wilfred has formed in the eastern Atlantic and that has now exhausted the list of hurricane names for the 2020 Atlantic Basin tropical season. As a result, the Greek alphabet will be used from here on out with the next named system to become “Alpha” and this may be the tropical wave that has been meandering over the western Gulf of Mexico in recent days. The last time the Greek alphabet had to be used for the naming of tropical storms was the very active year of 2005. Meanwhile, Hurricane Teddy has intensified into a category 4 “major” storm over the central Atlantic and it will likely effect Bermuda late in the weekend and then it may have a direct impact on Nova Scotia, Canada as an unfolding blocking pattern in the atmosphere changes its course.

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7:00 AM | *A cooler, dry pattern setting up for the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

A cool, dry air mass will surge into the region later today and this combined with some cloud cover will keep afternoon highs confined to the middle 70’s. In fact, temperatures will remain rather comfortable this weekend and going into the first half of next week with a touch of fall in the air. It stays relatively dry through this upcoming dry and cool period and overnight lows could drop to the lowest levels so far this season with mid-to-upper 50’s possible in some spots. Meanwhile, the tropics remain very active and we’ll be monitoring an impressive and trouble system over the Gulf of Mexico which will meander around for several days.

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