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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **"Elsa" rides north today just off the west coast of a strong tropical storm**

Paul Dorian

“Elsa” is a strong tropical storm this morning near the Florida Keys and has slowed down from its rapid movement during the weekend. This system will ride up to the north today just off the west coast of Florida and then cross northern Florida on Wednesday morning after landfall near the Big Bend region. After that, the remains of “Elsa” will likely turn to the northeast and move up along the eastern seaboard – perhaps to a position by later Thursday over the Delmarva Peninsula or southern New Jersey.

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7:00 AM | **"Elsa" has reached hurricane status...a threat to the Gulf of Mexico/SE US**

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low will drop from the Great Lakes region to a position over the Mid-Atlantic region by the early part of the upcoming weekend, but it’ll be far enough removed from this area to allow for decent weather and that decent weather should continue through the holiday on Monday. It’ll turn more humid again by the middle of next and the chance of showers and storms will be on the increase. Elsewhere, “Elsa” has reached hurricane status this morning and threatens Hispaniola (especially on the Haiti side), Jamaica and Cuba later this weekend and then the SE US/Gulf of Mexico early next week…stay tuned.

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2:45 PM (Thursday) | ***Strong-to-severe storms/torrential rain in the Mid-Atlantic as we break the back of the heat wave…”Elsa” is born and is a threat to the SE US***

Paul Dorian

It’s never easy to break the back of a heat wave in the Mid-Atlantic region and this one will be no different with the formation of strong-to-severe thunderstorms in the transition and there will be torrential rainfall included in the mix. The threat for storms and heavy rainfall will continue into Friday as a slow-moving cold front works its way through the region. It’ll turn noticeably cooler on Friday and Saturday and the weather will stay unsettled as we begin the holiday weekend, but improvement will set in for Sunday and Monday.

Elsewhere, an impressive tropical wave that exited off of the west coast of Africa last week has strengthened into Tropical Storm “Elsa” and it will enter the Caribbean Sea later tomorrow. This system is likely to become an important player for the Caribbean islands of Hispaniola (Haiti/Dominican Republic), Jamaica and Cuba later in the weekend and could threaten southern Florida early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Weekend is shaping up to be quite nice for the holiday*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level low will drop from the Great Lakes region to a position over the Mid-Atlantic region by the early part of the upcoming weekend. As a result, it’ll stay unsettled here for the next couple of days with a threat of showers and storms. However, the weather will improve for the holiday weekend with sunshine likely on all three days and increasingly warmer conditions.

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2:10 PM | ***Strong storms and torrential rain a threat from later tonight into the weekend as the Mid-Atlantic transitions from high heat to noticeably cooler conditions…important tropical update***

Paul Dorian

There was intense heat across the Pacific Northwest earlier in the week and also quite a hot spell in the Mid-Atlantic region with strong upper-level ridging the main culprit in both parts of the nation. The heat in the Mid-Atlantic will transition to much cooler conditions by the time we get to the end of the work week and early part of the holiday weekend. This change will come about with numerous strong-to-severe thunderstorms and torrential rainfall with localized flooding a real threat. The weekend will start off quite a bit cooler-than-normal in the Mid-Atlantic and also very unsettled with deep upper-level low pressure moving directly overhead, but improvement and warming will come later in the weekend.

Elsewhere, an impressive tropical wave exited off of the west coast of Africa last week and it is now churning over the central Atlantic. We certainly could be dealing with a “tropical storm” nearing the Caribbean Sea by the end of the week and this system will have to be closely monitored heading into the first full week of July.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled next few days with daily threat of showers and storms...weekend is shaping up*

Paul Dorian

Surface high pressure over the western Atlantic will continue to pump warm and humid air in to the southeastern states over the next couple of days. At the same time, an upper-level low will drop from the Great Lakes to a position over the Mid-Atlantic region by the early part of the upcoming weekend. As a result, it’ll stay unsettled here for the next few days with a daily threat of showers and storms. The weather improves for the holiday weekend with sunshine likely on both days and increasingly warmer conditions.

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7:00 AM | *Temperatures to trend downward later in the week*

Paul Dorian

The weather for the next few days in the eastern US will be controlled by strong high pressure over the western Atlantic Ocean - in the familiar “Bermuda-high” position. As a result, the low-level flow of air will become southwesterly on the backside of the high and this system will continue to pump in very warm and humid air into the Tennessee Valley. There will be a chance for daily showers and thunderstorms through the week and some of the rain can be heavy at times.

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7:00 AM | *90 degree highs through the mid-week*

Paul Dorian

The weather for the next few days in the eastern US will be controlled by strong high pressure over the western Atlantic Ocean - in the familiar “Bermuda-high” position. As a result, the low-level flow of air will become southwesterly on the backside of the high and this will bring hot and humid air into the Tennessee Valley. There will be a chance for daily showers and thunderstorms through the week and the potential exists for some heavy rainfall.

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7:00 AM | *An uncomfortable weekend with high humidity levels and high temperatures near 90 degrees*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will intensify off the east coast over the next couple of days and this will promote a southwesterly flow of air in the lower atmosphere across much of the eastern half of the nation. As a result, we’ll experience increasing levels of heat and humidity in northern Alabama and the chances of showers and thunderstorms will also be on the rise. It looks like the unsettled, very warm and humid conditions will continue through at least the first half of next week.

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11:10 AM (Thursday) | *Intense heat in the Pacific Northwest in the near-term…strong tropical wave exits off of Africa and may become a concern for the Southeast US/Gulf of Mexico in the longer-term*

Paul Dorian

One big weather story in the near-term that will likely become a big news story is the heat that will intensify across the Pacific Northwest later this weekend and early next week. As high pressure expands and intensifies over the Pacific Northwest later this weekend, many places including Seattle, Washington will approach or surpass the 100 degree mark for afternoon highs. In fact, Portland, Oregon could actually surpass their all-time high temperature record of 107°F on Sunday afternoon. In the longer-term, another weather story may develop across the tropics. A strong tropical wave has just exited off the west coast of Africa and signs point to a favorable pattern for intensification down the road potentially leading to problems for the Gulf of Mexico/Southeast US by the time we get to the early part of July.

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