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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **"Fred" could bring some heavy rainfall to the Tennessee valley first half of next week**

Paul Dorian

The Atlantic Basin remains quite active with two systems to monitor. The first system that was at one time classified as Tropical Storm “Fred” is now a “depression”, but it is likely to regain storm status again in the near future. This system will push towards the Florida Keys by early tomorrow then likely to a position over the warm waters of the far eastern Gulf of Mexico. After that, “Fred” will head towards the western part of Florida’s Panhandle and it could intensify further before making a landfall sometime late Sunday or on Monday. A second system that is now over the central Atlantic is very likely to become Tropical Storm “Grace” and it is likely to take a pretty similar track to its predecessor “Fred”.

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2:40 PM | *Scattered strong-to-severe storms in the Mid-Atlantic region on the final day of the oppressive heat and humidity…a tropical update on “Fred” and the soon-to-be “Grace”*

Paul Dorian

The Mid-Atlantic region remains quite hot and humid today and there is a chance for scattered strong-to-severe thunderstorm activity from later in the day through early tonight. Today will be the last day of the oppressive heat and humidity in the Mid-Atlantic as a cool frontal system will usher in more comfortable air for the weekend; especially, by the time Sunday rolls around when afternoon temperatures will be in the low-to-mid 80’s and humidity will be much more bearable.

Meanwhile, the Atlantic Basin remains quite active with two systems to monitor. The first system that was at one time classified as Tropical Storm “Fred” is now a “depression”, but it is likely to regain storm status again in the near future. This system will push towards the Florida Keys by early tomorrow then likely to a position over the warm waters of the eastern Gulf of Mexico. After that, “Fred” will head towards the far western part of Florida’s Panhandle and it could intensify further before making a landfall sometime late Monday. A second system that is now over the central Atlantic is very likely to become Tropical Storm “Grace” and it is likely to take a more southerly track to its predecessor “Fred” and possibly end up in the southern/western Gulf of Mexico.

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7:00 AM | *Monitoring the movement of what was Tropical Storm "Fred"...Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight*

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm “Fred” has weakened to a depression after an encounter with the high terrain of Hispaniola, but it is likely to strengthen again and head towards the southern part of Florida by the early weekend. After that, this tropical system is likely to move out over the warm waters of the eastern Gulf of Mexico and it could actually push northward next week right through the eastern states. One final note, the Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight so take a look outside should skies be cooperative.

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11:55 AM | *Tropical Storm “Fred” nears Hispaniola…likely headed to the Florida Keys and then the eastern Gulf…could ride northward through the eastern states next week…2nd system in eastern Atlantic*

Paul Dorian

The Atlantic Basin tropical scene has become quite active with one named storm (“Fred”) just south of the Dominican Republic on the eastern side of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola and a second system intensifying in the eastern Atlantic. Tropical Storm “Fred” is likely headed to the Florida Keys by the early part of the weekend and then to the eastern part of the Gulf of Mexico where sea surface temperatures are generally warmer-than-normal. TS “Fred” could then reach the Panhandle region of western Florida by early next week and the remains may then push northward through the eastern states later in the week. Meanwhile, the second Atlantic tropical system could end up taking a similar track as “Fred” – perhaps impacting the same northern part of the Caribbean.

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7:00 AM | **Tropical Storm "Fred" nears the Caribbean island of Hispaniola**

Paul Dorian

A tropical system near the Caribbean island of Hispaniola has intensified enough to be classified as a named storm ("Fred"). It is likely to impact southern Florida by the early part of the weekend and then spill out over the eastern Gulf of Mexico before perhaps reaching the panhandle region of western Florida on its way to the north. Longer term, it is quite possible that the remains of this tropical storm push northward through the eastern states and right along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains bringing rain with it later next week.

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1:15 PM | *Tropical system nearing the Caribbean Sea…likely to become a named storm and could ultimately have an impact on southern Florida and then spill out over the eastern Gulf of Mexico*

Paul Dorian

After “Elsa” came ashore in northwestern Florida on July 7th, the tropical Atlantic experienced an extended quiet stretch of weather….that quiet stretch is now over. There are two tropical systems currently located in the central Atlantic and it is the frontrunner that is of increasing concern. This system is nearing the Caribbean Sea and it has a good chance of becoming a named (“Fred”) storm in coming days and could ultimately have an impact on southern Florida and then spill out over the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

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7:00 AM | *A hot week in the Tennessee Valley and much of the eastern US*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will build into the eastern states early this week and become the dominate player for weather conditions around here and it’ll turn quite hot. In addition to high pressure at the surface, strong ridging will form aloft over the Northeast US and this opens the door for tropical activity to move from east-to-west and towards the southeastern states. In fact, there are now multiple systems that have formed in the tropical Atlantic which will bear monitoring as we head towards mid-August.

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7:00 AM | *Temperatures still quite decent around here for the early part of August*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure will impact temperatures around here for another day or two, but it will dissipate later in the week. As a result, it’ll turn hotter as we head into the upcoming weekend with high temperatures likely back into the lower 90’s for each weekend day. Elsewhere, the tropical scene in the Atlantic Basin has been quiet for weeks, but signs point to a pickup in activity as we head towards mid-month.

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7:00 AM | *High pressure ridging will build across northeast US/southeast Canada in coming days*

Paul Dorian

An upper-level trough of low pressure will impact temperatures around here for the next couple of days, but will fade later in the week. As a result, it’ll turn hotter as we head towards and into the upcoming weekend with high temperatures likely back up to or slightly above the 90 degree mark for the Friday-Sunday time period. Elsewhere, the tropical scene in the Atlantic Basin has been quiet for weeks, but signs point to a pickup in activity as we head towards mid-month.

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1:00 PM | *Atlantic Basin tropical activity likely to ramp up next ten days or so after an extended quiet stretch*

Paul Dorian

The temperature pattern across the US during the month of July was pretty close-to-normal (+1.1 degrees F) and there was an extended quiet stretch in terms of tropical activity in the Atlantic Basin. In fact, there has not been a single named storm in the tropical Atlantic since “Elsa” which came ashore as a tropical storm in northwestern Florida on July 7th. Several signals point to an end to the quiet phase in the Atlantic Basin. In fact, it is not unusual for tropical activity to pick up during the month of August as sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic Basin continue to climb towards their usual early-to-mid September peak. In addition, the unfolding upper-level height pattern across North America will likely become more favorable for a pick up in tropical activity and an increased threat to the US. Specifically, high pressure ridging will build and intensify in coming days over the Northeast US and southeastern part of Canada – often a precursor to tropical activity that can impact the Gulf of Mexico or the east coast of the US.

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