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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

11:30 AM | *An increasing hurricane threat for Texas/Louisiana coastal region by early next week*

Paul Dorian

The Atlantic Basin remains quite active as we push towards the end of August with three systems on the tropical scene, but the one over the Caribbean Sea is of most concern at this time. There are strong signs that this system now officially known as “Invest 99L” can reach hurricane status in coming days and perhaps threaten the Texas and/or Louisiana coastline by the early part of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Low-to-mid 90's for highs today...a bit of a break on Thursday*

Paul Dorian

High pressure over the Tennessee Valley will remain in control around here today resulting in plenty of sunshine to go along with quite hot and humid conditions. This system will weaken tomorrow and high pressure over the western Atlantic Ocean will take over generating more of a southerly flow of air and additional low-level moisture in the region. As a result, there may be more in the way of cloudiness on Thursday and this should knock a few degrees off the temperatures and increase the chances for showers and storms. High temperatures are likely to be near the 90 degree mark for the end of the week and upcoming weekend. On the tropical scene, there are signs for a possible hurricane in the Texas/Louisiana coastal region by Monday or so...something to closely monitor next few days.

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7:00 AM | *Hot week continues in the northern part of Alabama*

Paul Dorian

The remainder of the week looks to be quite hot in the northern part of Alabama with high temperatures well up in the 90’s for the next few days. As far as rain is concerned, conditions should generally be rain-free for another day, but the threat of showers and storms will increase for the second half of the week.

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7:00 Am | *More showers and storms today/tomorrow in the Tennessee Valley...back to the 90's early next week*

Paul Dorian

A trough of low pressure will build aloft over the eastern states during the next couple of days and it’ll stay quite active in the Tennessee Valley with more showers and thunderstorms. In addition, some of the storms that form can reach strong-to-severe levels with possible damaging wind gusts on the table. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm “Henri” will take a turn to the north this weekend and could end up near Long Island or New England by the time Sunday night or Monday rolls around.

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7:00 AM | **Showers and storms today as unsettled pattern continues...some of the rain will be heavy at times**

Paul Dorian

The remnants of Tropical Storm “Fred” have moved into upstate New York and attention will shift to Tropical Storm "Henri" which continues to churn slowly out over the western Atlantic Ocean. "Henri" is on the doorstep of attaining hurricane status with current maximum sustained winds at 70 mph. The unfolding upper air pattern may allow for movement of Henri towards New England later this weekend and all residents along the Northeast US coastline should monitor this system in coming days. Around here, the chance for daily showers and thunderstorms will continue right through the weekend and temperatures will climb early next week with highs likely well up in the 90's by mid-week.

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1:45 PM | *Fred, Grace and Henri, oh my…remnants of Fred pushing northward with significant rain…Grace headed west towards Yucatan Peninsula…Henri needs to be very closely monitored*

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm Fred came ashore late yesterday in western Florida and the remains are now pushing north-northeastward across the northwestern part of Georgia. Despite its recent weakening, this system continues to produce some significant rainfall and strong thunderstorm activity in the Southeast US and Tennessee Valley and it will likely do so tomorrow and tomorrow night in the Mid-Atlantic region. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Grace is moving westward through the Caribbean Sea and is likely to reach the Yucatan Peninsula region of Mexico by Thursday – probably as a hurricane. Finally, Tropical Storm Henri has formed over the Atlantic and is currently meandering not too far from the island of Bermuda. This system is quite worrisome in that it may come awfully close to the US east coast before hopefully turning away…needs to be very closely monitored.

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7:00 AM | **"Fred" comes ashore last evening in western Florida as a tropical storm...remnants to push northward today from western Georgia into eastern Tennessee**

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm “Fred” came ashore last evening in the western part of Florida and has since weakened into a tropical depression now situated right near the Georgia/Alabama border. The biggest impact from the remnants of "Fred" will be to our north and east today as it pushes northeastward through the upper part of Georgia and into eastern Tennessee. Elsewhere in the Atlantic Basin, Tropical Storm "Grace" is likely headed west towards the Yucatan Peninsula region of Mexico and Tropical Storm "Henri" will meander over the Atlantic Ocean in coming days not too far from the island of Bermuda.

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11:30 AM | *Strengthening TS “Fred” closing in on Florida Panhandle…tropical moisture to push northward resulting in significant rainfall from Gulf coast to Mid-Atlantic…”Grace” update, "Henri" next?*

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm “Fred” is strengthening as it closes in on the Panhandle region of Florida and it could even reach hurricane status before making landfall this evening. “Fred” will weaken quickly after landfall in terms of its wind field; however, its tropical moisture field will push northward over the few days resulting in significant rainfall from the Gulf coast to Tennessee Valley to the Mid-Atlantic. “Grace” has weakened (temporarily) to tropical depression status and is likely to take a track much farther to the south of “Fred” as it becomes increasingly influenced by building high pressure over the western Atlantic. A third system over the Atlantic will tend to meander not too far from Bermuda and it could very well become Tropical Storm “Henri” in the near-term.

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7:00 AM | ***Significant rainfall here in part due to the remnants of TS "Fred"***

Paul Dorian

The week ahead looks to be very unsettled around here with multiple chances for showers and thunderstorms and some of the rain will be heavy at times. This week will be cooler than last week with highs generally confined to the 80's across the Tennessee Valley. Meanwhile, Atlantic Basin tropical scene remains quite active with Tropical Storm "Fred" and Tropical Depression "Grace" on the playing field. TS "Fred" should reach far western Florida by later tonight and then its moisture field will push northward right into the Tennessee Valley on Tuesday resulting in an enhanced chance for significant rainfall around here. Tropical Depression "Grace" will take a more southerly track compared to "Fred" likely ending up out over the southern/western Gulf of Mexico.

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