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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Quite cold today as we end the work week...modification by early next week should bring temperatures back to near 50 degrees on Monday afternoon**

Paul Dorian

The passage of an Arctic front on Thursday paved the way for cold cold air to push into the region and temperatures today will stay well below-normal for late January. Low pressure will move off the Carolina coastline later tonight and it will have no impact around here. The overall pattern remains cold through the weekend, but temperatures will modify on Monday likely able to reach the 50 degree mark for afternoon highs.

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7:00 AM | **Temperatures nearing the freezing mark with Arctic air moving in following frontal passage**

Paul Dorian

An Arctic air mass is filtering into the region today in the wake of the passage of a slow-moving frontal system. There is some post-frontal precipitation with this particular system and - with temperatures near the freezing mark – this can result in some freezing rain so watch out for slick spots on the roads. Winds will also be a factor today gusting up to 25 mph or so from a northerly direction as colder air filters into the region. It’ll remain on the colder-than-normal side into the upcoming weekend, but milder conditions are likely to arrive early next week.

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12:00 PM | **Some snow tomorrow morning in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor with the arrival of the next Arctic air mass…very cold conditions tomorrow night and Friday**

Paul Dorian

An Arctic frontal system will work its way through the Mid-Atlantic region early tomorrow and some “post-frontal” snow can cause slick spots on the roads from about the time of the AM rush hour to around mid-day. Rain will break out later tonight in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor ahead of the Arctic front, but then as colder air filters into the region, precipitation will mix with and then change over to snow right around morning commute time on Thursday. Accumulations are likely to end up in the 1-3 inch range by mid-day tomorrow after the changeover takes place. Bitter cold conditions will follow the system for tomorrow night and Friday with overnight lows in the 10-15 degree range and highs doing no better than the 20’s to end the work week.

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7:00 AM | ***Mild today ahead of Arctic front, but a big difference on Thursday***

Paul Dorian

An Arctic frontal boundary zone will be a key player in the Tennessee Valley during the next few days. Ahead of the incoming front, temperatures will climb into the 50’s today and there can be occasional showers, maybe even a thunderstorm. Colder air will filter into the area late tonight and Thursday promises to be a much colder day with plenty of wind and occasional snow showers are likely. The snow showers tomorrow can be mixed with sleet and/or freezing rain at times with temperatures confined to the lower 30’s for afternoon highs.

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11:00 AM | ***Some accumulating snow early Thursday with arrival of the next Arctic air mass…another snow threat Friday night/Saturday, but its northern extent is still in question***

Paul Dorian

An Arctic frontal boundary zone will be a key player in the Mid-Atlantic region during the next few days as it will be a focus area for the formation of low pressure systems. One such low pressure system should bring a period of accumulating snow early Thursday upon the arrival of the next Arctic blast. Another low pressure system will form along the stalled-out frontal boundary zone at week’s end and the extent to which it can push to the north will dictate how much snow, if any, can fall on Friday night and/or Saturday in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. Yet another system will have to be watched for later in the upcoming weekend as the cold and active weather pattern in the eastern US will continue right through the rest of the month.

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7:00 AM | *Turns noticeably milder on Wednesday ahead of next cold front*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will be in control today and Wednesday and it’ll turn milder tomorrow ahead of the next cold frontal system. That front will generate some rain shower activity tomorrow afternoon and night which can mix with or change to snow after midnight. It turns noticeably colder on Thursday with a residual snow shower possible and then we’ll have to see if a storm system develops in the eastern states in the late week time period that can have an impact on the Tennessee Valley.

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1:30 PM | ****Winter will not loosen its grip anytime soon in the eastern US…very cold and active pattern next couple of weeks to include a weekend storm threat****

Paul Dorian

Winter will not loosen its grip anytime soon in the eastern US as it appears a very cold weather pattern will continue through at least the remainder of the month. In addition, the overall pattern looks to be quite active as well with multiple storm threats possible and perhaps one by the early part of the upcoming weekend.

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7:00 AM | **It remains quite chilly here today in the wake of the storm**

Paul Dorian

Low pressure that has impacted the region during the past 24 hours or so will push northward today into New York State and New England, but it’ll remain mainly cloudy around here today and still quite cold in its wake. Skies will clear later tomorrow and this will allow for the return of sunshine and milder conditions. It’ll turn even milder at mid-week ahead of the next strong cold front which could generate shower activity in the Tennessee Valley on Wednesday. In its wake, a colder air mass will return for the latter part of the week.

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10:15 AM Sunday | ***Accumulating snow and ice on the way with an impactful storm…rain, high winds, coastal flooding as well…another storm threat next weekend***

Paul Dorian

Very cold, dry and dense Arctic air is well established this morning in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US at the same time low pressure and its associated moisture field are now pushing to the north from the southeastern states...not a good combination. A significant ice and snow event is now unfolding for the interior sections of Georgia and the Carolinas and snow will push into the Mid-Atlantic region later in the day and early tonight with front-end accumulations in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. With an influx of milder air from the ocean, a transition will take place in the I-95 corridor from snow to sleet to freezing rain and ultimately to plain rain in some areas. In addition to the wide range of precipitation types, this storm will bring high and potentially damaging winds and coastal flooding to the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US. Looking ahead, another storm could very well threaten the same part of the country next weekend.

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12:00 PM Saturday | ***Powerful storm on the way for the eastern US with a wide-ranging impact to include snow, sleet, freezing rain, plain rain, coastal flooding, high (potentially damaging) winds***

Paul Dorian

An Arctic air mass poured into the northeastern quadrant of the nation in the overnight hours resulting in very cold and extremely dry conditions. At the same time, a vigorous disturbance in the upper atmosphere has pushed southeastward from the central Plains into the southern Plains. This system will edge into the Deep South by later tonight and surface low pressure will form in the northern Gulf region. On Sunday, the intensifying low pressure system will push northward through the eastern states with its expanding moisture field producing a wide range of impacts from snow-to-ice-to-rain. High (and potentially damaging) winds and coastal flooding will become an increasing concern with this storm on Sunday and impacts will last well into the day on Monday; especially, across the northeastern states.

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