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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:15 AM | *California-to-Texas heat to intensify and expand eastward next week to Southeast US...revisiting the brutally hot summer of 1980...hard-pressed to match that one*

Paul Dorian

Highs temperatures on Friday are likely to reach 100 degrees in Dallas, Texas and this could begin an impressive string of days at or above the century mark in that particular location. High pressure ridging has been quite strong recently in the region from California-to-Texas and it will intensify over the next few days and then build eastward next week all the way to the Southeast US coastline. It is not unprecedented to see this kind of June heat in Texas or other parts of the southern states and Dallas will have a tough time matching the sustained and extreme heat of the summer of 1980.

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7:00 AM | *Shower/storm threat to return later tomorrow/tomorrow night...the hottest weather so far this season arrives here early next week*

Paul Dorian

A cool front has ushered a drier air mass to the Tennessee Valley, but an additional threat for showers and strong-to-severe thunderstorms will come later Friday and Friday night as the remnants of a “mesoscale convective complex” pass nearby. The weekend looks pretty decent, but it’ll turn quite warm by Sunday afternoon and then the hottest weather so far this season will arrive here early next week as strong ridging aloft expands east to the Tennessee Valley and temperatures climb here well up into the 90’s.

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7:00 AM | *Good chance for more showers and storms later today and again later Friday/Friday night*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will continue through the remainder of the week in the Tennessee Valley and it will result in additional chances of showers and thunderstorms. Some of the rain that falls later today and tonight can be heavy at times and some of the storms can reach strong-to-severe levels. There may be a bit of a break in the action by later tomorrow following the passage of a cool front, but an additional threat for showers and strong-to-severe thunderstorms will come later Friday and Friday night.

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7:00 AM | ***An active weather pattern continues to produce heavy rain/severe storm threats across the region***

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will continue through the remainder of the week across the Tennessee Valley that will produce multiple chances of showers and thunderstorms. Some of the rain that falls during the next 48 hours can be heavy at times and some of the storms can reach strong-to-severe levels. A zonal (i.e., west-to-east) flow of air aloft will allow for the movement of a series of disturbances into the region - each of which can generate some rainfall. There may be a bit of a break in the action by later Thursday following the passage of a cool front, but an additional threat for showers and strong-to-severe thunderstorms will come later Friday and Friday night.

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7:00 AM | *No real complaints...looks like we'll get through the first full week of June without any sustained hot weather; however, plenty of rain chances*

Paul Dorian

A cool front will slide towards the region today and there can be some shower and thunderstorm activity as a result by later in the across the Tennessee Valley. Following the passage of the front, a west-to-northwest flow will remain a persistent feature for much of the remainder of the week. It looks like we’ll get through the first full week of June without any sustained heat or 90+ degree high temperatures.

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7:00 AM | *Much more comfortable air mass follows passage of cold front*

Paul Dorian

A cold front passed through the region and cooler, drier air will pour into the region today in stiff NW winds. This change in air mass will result in more comfortable temperatures and humidity levels not only for today, but also for much of the weekend. By early next week, more humid air will return on the backside of high pressure which will shift to our east this weekend and the chance of showers and storms will be on the increase during the first half of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled conditions today...setting up for a nice Friday and Saturday...more humid and warmer for Sunday and Monday*

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will bring us the chance of showers and thunderstorms today and some of the storms can be on the strong side. The front should clear the region late today from northwest-to-southeast paving the way for cooler, drier conditions in the overnight hours and on Friday. In fact, it looks like Friday and Saturday will be quite comfortable around here for the early part of June. Warmer and more humid air returns for Sunday and Monday and with it will come a renewed chance of showers and thunderstorms.

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11:15 AM | *Unsettled weather for the Mid-Atlantic region from later today through tomorrow night to include the chance of some heavy rain and strong thunderstorms…an early tropical threat*

Paul Dorian

The passage of a back door cool front has brought relief today to the New York City metro region, New Jersey and it’ll turn out to be a bit better in the Philly area as well as easterly low-level winds have developed during the past few hours. Unfortunately, there will be no relief today in the DC metro region with highs likely to again be in the 90’s. This weak frontal boundary zone and another front will cause unsettled weather in the Mid-Atlantic from later today through tomorrow night that will include the chance for heavy rain and strong thunderstorms. High pressure will take back control at the end of the week and the weekend is shaping up to be quite nice across the region.

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