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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

12:00 PM | ***TS Nicole headed towards east-central Florida…can reach hurricane status…major rain event from Florida-to-Maine…severe weather threat in coastal plain…cold pattern begins this weekend***

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm Nicole is headed towards east-central Florida for a likely landfall early Thursday morning. Some intensification is likely during the next 24-36 hours before landfall which could result in Nicole reaching category 1 or even 2 hurricane status before making landfall. After landfall, Nicole will be increasingly influenced by a deep upper-level trough over the central states and it’ll turn to the north and northeast resulting in a major rain event all along the east coast from Florida-to-Maine. In addition to the rain, severe weather will be a threat in the coastal plain from the Carolinas to the Northeast US which will be on the right side of the storm track…prime location for tornadic activity. The passage of the tropical system will be part of an overall significant temperature pattern change in the eastern US that will bring much colder weather conditions beginning this weekend and likely lasting through the remainder of November.

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9:00 AM | ***Tropical Storm Nicole to reach Florida later in the week…possibly reaches hurricane status…moisture to ride up along east coast…part of transition to much colder pattern***

Paul Dorian

The tropical scene is still active and kicking in the Atlantic Basin and an area of disturbed weather in recent days has organized into Tropical Storm Nicole over the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. This system is likely to reach Florida later this week and there is a chance that it reaches category 1 hurricane status before making landfall. The moisture associated with Nicole is likely to then ride up along the eastern seaboard at week’s end. The passage of the tropical system will be part of an overall significant temperature pattern change across the nation that will bring much colder weather conditions to the central and eastern US.

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7:00 AM | *Warm weather pattern to result in afternoon highs near 80 degrees by Sunday and Monday*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern in coming days will feature above-normal temperatures across much of the eastern half of the nation including in northern Alabama. Temperatures are likely to reach well into the 70’s through Saturday and then approach the 80 degree mark for afternoon highs on Sunday and Monday. Showers will become a threat this weekend with a higher chance on Saturday as a front slides in this direction.

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10:45 AM | *The tropics remain alive and kicking and signs point to a potential system near the east coast in 7-10 days…overall warm pattern in eastern US can flip for mid and late November*

Paul Dorian

The tropical scene is still active and kicking in the Atlantic Basin as we begin the month of November with a couple systems to currently monitor and signs point to the possibility of another system near the east coast in about 7-10 days. Tropical Storm “Martin” - soon to be Hurricane “Martin” - is located well out over the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean and will become a powerful “extratropical” storm in the North Atlantic later this week. “Lisa” is now a category 1 hurricane and is closing in on Belize in Central America and could ultimately emerge over the Bay of Campeche. Elsewhere, the overall pattern looks to remain warmer-than-normal across the eastern US during the next 7-10 days, but important changes can come in terms of temperatures for the middle and latter parts of November.

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