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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

2:00 PM (Fri.) | ****Rain/snow in Mid-Atl. on Sunday…mid-week Northern Plains blizzard, MS/TN Valley severe weather threat...wintry mix possible in Mid-Atl. Thurs/Fri...…cross-polar flow****

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern across the nation will be quite active from later this weekend through next week with multiple storm threats. One low pressure system will form over the Midwest on Saturday and then its precipitation shield will push into the Mid-Atlantic region on Sunday. Enough cold air will be around for snow on Sunday in much of the northern Mid-Atlantic with accumulations of up to a few inches likely in some interior and higher elevation locations. Another storm system will wreak havoc across much of the nation next week with a possible severe weather outbreak late Tuesday/Tuesday night in the Lower Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys and blizzard conditions across the Northern Plains. This system and its precipitation field likely reaches the eastern states later next week and frozen precipitation will likely be in the mix: especially, if re-development of a surface low takes place near the east coast which could make for more of a serious winter storm threat in the Mid-Atlantic. The evolving pattern should feature more sustained cold air in the eastern states following that mid-to-late week storm system and “cross-polar flow” later this month will assure some very cold air masses reaching into North America.

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12:30 PM | **Active pattern setting up with multiple storm threats in coming days…possible severe weather outbreak in the Lower MS Valley next week**

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will be quite active from this weekend through next week with multiple storm threats in the northeastern US and a possible severe weather threat around Tuesday of next week in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Cold air is trying to work its way into the northeastern US on a consistent basis, but likely won’t be able to until later next week. Nonetheless, there will be enough cold air around for a likely Sunday/Monday storm threat to at least produce a chance of accumulating snow in the northeastern states. Another storm system will likely arrive in the eastern states by the middle of next week and there may be enough cold air around for some frozen precipitation at the onset in portions of the Northeast US. More sustained cold air will follow later next week.

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7:00 AM | *Warm and wet pattern next few days*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern is in store for much of the week across the Tennessee Valley. Rain fell yesterday across the region and the threat of showers and thunderstorms will continue for the next few days. It will be very mild through Thursday, but then cooler pushes in by the early part of the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled week with multiple chances for rain*

Paul Dorian

An unsettled weather pattern is in store for much of the week across the Tennessee Valley. In fact, there can be multiple rounds of rain with several frontal systems having an impact and a broad southwesterly flow of air will help to bring in the moisture-laden air. In addition, the southwesterly flow of air will keep us quite mild with highs well up in the 60’s on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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11:30 AM | ***December is underway and the weather could get very interesting…signs point to a colder-than-normal pattern across much of the nation...may also become quite active in ten days or so***

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front passed through the eastern states late Wednesday and much colder air has pushed in on stiff NW winds. This cold shot will be somewhat short-lived, however, as the first half of the upcoming weekend will turn much milder once again in the eastern US as the next frontal system approaches with a broad southwesterly flow of air ahead of it. Looking ahead, high-latitude blocking will develop in coming days and this will aid in a more sustained cold weather pattern in much of the nation with impact in the eastern states coming after about the 7th or so. In addition, the upcoming colder-than-normal weather pattern is likely to become more active before we get to the middle of the month and the period between about the 10th and 13th may be quite volatile near the eastern seaboard.

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7:00 AM | *A milder pattern on the way, but it becomes unsettled as well with a daily shot at showers and thunderstorms this weekend*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain pretty chilly today across the Tennessee Valley, but a milder trend will begin on Friday and intensify this weekend. Unfortunately, the milder trend will become increasingly unsettled and there will the chance of showers and thunderstorms on a daily basis this weekend and early next week as a frontal system will stall out not too far to the south and east of here.

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