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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Not quite as warm as Monday, but a rather nice day across northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

Today will be a rather nice day in the northern part of Alabama although a bit cooler than Monday following the passage of a cool frontal system.  Unsettled weather conditions return to the region on Wednesday and there will be a threat of showers and thunderstorms from tomorrow afternoon into Friday.  In fact, the unsettled pattern can continue this weekend with the possibility of showers on both Saturday and Sunday to go along with cool conditions. 

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7:00 AM | ***Flash flooding and severe weather still a threat today in the Tennessee Valley***

Paul Dorian

Flash flooding and a severe weather threat are still on the table today as a powerful storm system strengthens to our northwest on its way to the Great Lakes region.  This primary (initial) low pressure system will grind to a halt late today and transfer its energy to a secondary low pressure area likely to form just off the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline. The weather calms down here by later tonight and this weekend looks pretty decent as high pressure edges into the SE US. 

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2:00 PM | ***Impactful storm system to reach south-central US tonight after pounding California/SW US…significant snow, excessive rain, damaging ice, severe storms on the table next couple days***

Paul Dorian

A very impactful storm system will slide out of the SW US later today and begin to intensify over the south-central states by later tonight.  After slamming California and the southwestern states, this system will bring accumulating snow, excessive rain, and damaging ice to parts of the eastern half of the nation during the next couple of days.  In addition, this system will contribute to a potential severe weather outbreak from later today into Friday across the south-central US.

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7:00 AM | ****Flash flooding and a severe weather threat on the table into Friday****

Paul Dorian

Flash flooding and a severe weather threat are on the table today as a powerful storm system slides from the Southwest US to the south-central states. Ingredients are coming together around here for heavy rain and possible severe thunderstorm activity including a low-level flow of very moist and mild air from the Gulf of Mexico ahead of the intensifying surface low pressure. This low will strengthen as it pushes northward later today from the south-central US towards the Great Lakes. On Friday, the primary (initial) low will grind to a halt over the Great Lakes and transfer its energy to a secondary low likely to form just off the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline. The weather calms down here by tomorrow night and this weekend looks decent as high pressure edges into the SE US. 

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11:30 AM | ***Major storm to impact much of the nation next few days…significant snowfall, flooding rains, ice and a severe weather outbreak***

Paul Dorian

Strong low pressure now over the western US will impact much of the nation in coming days with significant snows, flooding rains, damaging ice, and even a severe weather outbreak. Heavy snow continues to fall today in the higher elevations of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains and will intensify over the Rocky Mountains States from later today into Thursday.  By later tomorrow, the strong surface low will slide into the south-central US and ingredients will likely come together for a severe weather outbreak across the Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys from late tomorrow into Friday. After that, this major storm system will push towards the Great Lakes on Friday, grind to a halt as it becomes influenced by intensifying high-latitude blocking and transfer its energy to a secondary low pressure system that will form off the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline. The result will be a significant snow event late in the week across parts of the Upper Midwest and Northeast US and ice can become a serious issue as well in some sections.

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7:00 AM | ***Windy, warm next couple days with a good chance of showers and storms...some of the storms can be strong-to-severe from later tonight into tomorrow night***

Paul Dorian

It’ll become much more unsettled in the Tennessee valley later tonight and the unstable atmosphere will stick around into early Friday as a powerful storm pushes into the south-central part of the nation. This storm will then turn northward towards the Great Lakes and for much of its trek, we’ll be in the warm sector with humid air flowing northward from the Gulf of Mexico. With these ingredients coming together, the threat for severe thunderstorms will increase around here later tonight and stick around through late tomorrow night. The passage of the next cool front will usher in cooler air to the Tennessee Valley for the upcoming weekend. 

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1:00 PM | ***Major storm to impact much of the nation in coming days…excessive rainfall, significant snow, ice…and a possible severe weather outbreak***

Paul Dorian

As one storm begins to exit off the Northeast US coastline, another one is already impacting northern California with rain in the lower elevations and snows in the mountains. This system will become a major storm and impact much of the nation in coming days with significant snow, ice and rain all the way from California-to-New England. There is also the threat of a severe weather outbreak later in the week across the Lower Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys.

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7:00 AM | *Quite a pleasant Tuesday across the Tennessee Valley*

Paul Dorian

Yesterday was quite windy across the area, but today will be quite pleasant with warm conditions and only light winds as high pressure pushes in this direction.  It’ll become more unsettled and remain warm at mid-week with an increasing chance of showers and thunderstorms ahead of the next frontal system.  The passage of the next cool front will usher in cooler air to the Tennessee Valley at week’s end. 

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