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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **A quieter next couple of days, but another storm impacts the region late Thursday night/Friday**

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will continue across much of the nation during the next several days and another storm system will have an impact on the Tennessee Valley.  After a couple of quieter days, the next system is likely to bring us showers and thunderstorms late Thursday night and Friday as it heads northeastward towards the Great Lakes. It’ll turn colder around here this weekend on the back side of this next storm system.

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1:15 PM | ****Heavy rain, powerful winds in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US…flooding and numerous power outages on the table…a second powerful storm at week’s end…some intense cold****

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm system will bring heavy rainfall and increasingly strong winds to the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US this afternoon and tonight leading to localized flooding and unfortunately, numerous power outages are on the table. The grounds are well-saturated from recent heavy rain events and today’s storm can add another 2 or 3 inches with isolated higher amounts possible. Winds can gust to 55 or 60 mph along the interior sections of the I-95 corridor with even higher amounts along coastal sections of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. As a result, trees, limbs and power lines will be quite vulnerable leading to the fear that power outages can become widespread.

Another powerful storm system can bring heavy rain and strong winds to the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US on Friday night and this second system will usher in much colder air for the latter part of the weekend and early part of next week. In fact, there will be some intense cold this weekend dropping southward from Canada into the US and some of this air will trek south and east reaching the eastern seaboard later in the weekend.  A third storm system threatens the eastern states early-to-mid next week and this time snow will be on the table in the I-95 corridor given the expected preceding influx of Arctic air.

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7:00 AM | **Strong winds again today with powerful storm passing by to our north...another strong storm impacts the region late in the week**

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will continue across much of the nation during the next several days with very unsettled conditions in the Tennessee Valley. Winds will be a big factor today with gust to 50 mph still on the table as a powerful storm swings by to our north. Another strong storm system can generate showers and thunderstorms across the Tennessee Valley by the end of the week and colder air will pour in on its heels for the upcoming weekend.

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10:45 AM | ****Heavy rain, potentially damaging winds in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US from Tuesday into Wednesday…second powerhouse storm system at week’s end and a Midwest blizzard...some intense cold****

Paul Dorian

A very active weather pattern will continue this week with two powerhouse storm systems to deal with across much of the nation. The initial storm system will produce lots of snowfall from today into Tuesday in a zone from the central Plains to the Midwest. This same system will produce heavy rain on Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday night in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US with significant flooding on the table. In addition, strong and potentially damaging winds will accompany this first storm system raising the chance of power outages from later tomorrow into Wednesday across the northeastern states.

By the end of the week, another powerful storm system will be taking shape and this one will have more in the way of Arctic air to work with and a blizzard is likely across much of the Midwest with additional heavy rainfall and strong winds destined for the eastern seaboard. The passage of the weekend storm will usher in much colder air for the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US and signs continue to point to some intense cold possibly moving into the central and eastern US by early next week. In addition, attention will turn to the possibility of yet another storm system to deal with in the eastern states during the early or middle part of next week.

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7:00 AM | **Powerful storm system to impact the Tennessee Valley with heavy rain and strong winds**

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will result in another storm system impacting the Tennessee Valley with rain and wind. The best chance for moderate to heavy rainfall comes from later this evening into tomorrow morning and winds will be impactful as well with gusts past 40 mph on the table. Rainfall amounts can reach 2-3 inches in some spots raising concerns for localized flash flooding to become a real concern. Another storm system threatens the Tennessee Valley at week’s end and early this weekend with the potential for a similar pattern of high winds and heavy rainfall.   

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7:00 AM | **Powerful storm system to impact the Tennessee Valley early next week**

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will produce a couple of systems to monitor in the Tennessee Valley region during the next several days. One system pushes northeastward from the southern states in the short-term likely to produce rain showers in the area from late tonight into mid-day on Saturday. A strong storm can generate showers and thunderstorms across the Tennessee Valley by Monday night and Tuesday of next week and some of this rain can be heavy at times.  

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12:15 PM | ***Active pattern continues…weekend storm favors snow across interior Mid-Atlantic…Tuesday/Wednesday storm threatens with heavy rain, interior snows, potential damaging winds***

Paul Dorian

The active weather pattern of recent days will continue during the next several across the eastern half of the nation. A winter storm will impact the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend with accumulating snows across interior sections and a mixture of precipitation in the big cities along the I-95 corridor. Another storm system will impact a large part of the eastern half of the nation in the Tuesday/Wednesday time frame and this one looks like a powerhouse. It is likely to feature very heavy rainfall, interior accumulating snows, and potentially damaging winds with power outages on the table in many states. If that isn’t enough, there may be another strong storm system to deal with in the eastern states by the early part of next weekend.   

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7:00 AM | *Dry today, but chance of showers returns by tomorrow night and continues on Saturday...another threat comes early next week*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will produce a couple of systems to monitor in the Tennessee Valley region during the next several days. One system pushes northeastward from the southern states by the early part of the weekend likely to produce rain showers in the area and then a strong storm can generate showers and thunderstorms across the Tennessee Valley by Tuesday of next week.  

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2:30 PM | ***Active pattern to say the least…weekend storm favors accumulating snow in the interior Mid-Atlantic...heavy rain, interior snows, powerful winds with next week's storm***

Paul Dorian

The active weather pattern of recent days will continue during the next couple of weeks across the eastern half of the nation…and that may be quite an understatement.  One storm system will impact the Mid-Atlantic region this weekend with wintry precipitation favoring accumulations across the interior and likely a mixture in the big cities along I-95. Another storm system will impact a large part of the eastern half of the nation in the Tuesday/Wednesday time frame of next week and this one looks like a powerhouse. It is likely to feature very heavy rainfall, interior accumulating snows, and potentially damaging winds with power outages on the table. If that isn’t enough, there may be a couple of more systems to deal with in the eastern half of the nation by the time we get through the mid-point of January.

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7:00 AM | *A chilly day with the chance for rain and/or snow showers*

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will produce two systems to monitor in the Tennessee Valley region during the next several days. One system pushes northeastward from the south-central states today and it can produce some rain/snow showers in the area. High pressure will then take control of the weather into the end of the week, but another system will head this way from the southern US by early Saturday. This weekend system is likely to produce rain in the region on Saturday, but drier weather is likely by early next week.

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