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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | ***Two shots at snow in coming days...later tomorrow into Saturday...Sunday night into Monday***

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will remain active during the next several days in the Mid-Atlantic region with two upcoming chances of rain and snow.  The first threat of rain and snow here will come from later tomorrow afternoon into Saturday and there will likely be a second chance from late Sunday into Monday. In both cases, the more favored areas for snow will the interior higher elevation locations of the Mid-Atlantic; however, accumulations of a couple of inches are even on the table in the immediate NYC metro area. 

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1:00 PM | ***Two upcoming threats of rain/snow in the Mid-Atlantic…Friday into early Saturday…Sunday night into Monday...first system to feature inverted trough, off-shore rapid intensification***

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will remain active during the next several days in the Mid-Atlantic region with two upcoming chances of rain and snow.  The first threat of rain and snow will come from Friday into Saturday and there will likely be a second chance from Sunday night into Monday. In both cases, the more favored areas for snow will the interior higher elevation locations of the Mid-Atlantic; however, even parts of the I-95 corridor can see some accumulating snow. Both systems have to be closely monitored in coming days as, for example, rapid intensification and an “inverted trough” early Saturday morning can result in some last minute surprises.

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7:00 AM | **Still windy and on the cold side today...chance for rain and/or snow later Friday into Saturday**

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will remain quite active during the next several days with storm threats possible in the Mid-Atlantic region both at week’s end and again early next week. On Friday, low pressure is likely to push towards the northern Ohio Valley, weaken, and a secondary system may form by early Saturday just off the Mid-Atlantic coastline. The result here can be rain and/or snow in the period from later Friday into early Saturday at which time the ocean low will become the main player. A repeat performance is possible early next week with the possibility of another storm system heading towards the northern Ohio Valley and then a secondary system develops off the Mid-Atlantic coastline.  Stay tuned…the active pattern is getting pretty interesting. 

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12:00 PM | ***An active, colder pattern…MJO, high-latitude blocking…storm threats for the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US at week's end and again early next week***

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will remain quite active during the next several days with storm threats possible in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US both at week’s end and again early next week. The overall weather pattern is also turning colder due in large part to significant high-latitude blocking that has developed over northern Canada/Greenland in response to recent stratospheric warming and to the likely upcoming disappearance of a stubborn ridge over the southern US.

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7:00 AM | *Low pressure pushes away from the east coast today and winds pick up in intensity*

Paul Dorian

Fast-moving low pressure will push away from the east coast this morning and winds will increase markedly by the afternoon in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor.  The increasing NW winds can gust to 40 mph from mid-day through the afternoon and they’ll stay strong tonight and on Wednesday as high pressure builds into the Mid-Atlantic region. The on-going active weather pattern will produce another storm threat by early this weekend and perhaps another one early next week, but the details will have to be ironed out over the next few days.   

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12:45 PM **An active and colder pattern…snow late tonight/early Tuesday across portions of PA/NJ…additional threats in the Mid-Atlantic region early this weekend and perhaps again early next week**

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern will remain quite active in the Mid-Atlantic region during the next several days with one quick-moving system late tonight and there can be additional threats both early this weekend and early next week.  This initial system can generate snow or rain changing to snow from late tonight into early Tuesday across portions of upstate Pennsylvania and western New Jersey and some higher-elevation spots can receive as much as 3-6 inches by daybreak. The overall weather pattern is turning colder due in large part to significant high-latitude blocking that has developed over northern Canada/Greenland and to a disappearing stubborn ridge over the southern US.

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7:00 AM | **Threat of snow or rain changing to snow late tonight with small accumulations possible by daybreak...overall pattern turning colder**

Paul Dorian

The new work week starts off on the sunny side as high pressure edges into the Mid-Atlantic region. Low pressure passes near our region late tonight and it can bring us some rain which may with or change to snow and small accumulations of a coating to an inch or so are even possible by daybreak. After highs in the 50’s this afternoon, temperatures will trend downward for the bulk of the week with highs generally in the 40’s…Tuesday and Wednesday will feature a lot of wind to make it feel even colder. Low pressure may try to form near the east coast this weekend with the potential of bringing us rain and/or snow….something to monitor in coming days.

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7:00 AM | **Strong low pressure heads towards the Great Lakes...secondary storm to form off the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline**

Paul Dorian

Today will start off quiet, but that’ll change pretty dramatically by day’s end with a potent storm on the way. Strong low pressure will push towards the Great Lakes today and then grind to a halt, transfer its energy to a secondary system off the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline.  The end result around here will be occasional rain from later this afternoon into early Saturday and sleet and snow can mix in at times. In addition, the winds will pick up in intensity and the unstable atmosphere can generate a thunderstorm or two in the region tonight as the secondary low intensifies off the coast. High pressure takes control of the weather in the area later this weekend and sticks around early next week. 

Looking ahead, the overall weather pattern across much of the nation will turn colder later next week and beyond due in part to impact from a stratospheric warming event and high-latitude blocking. This colder pattern is quite likely to result in some snow opportunities for the Mid-Atlantic region.

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2:00 PM | ***Impactful storm system to reach south-central US tonight after pounding California/SW US…significant snow, excessive rain, damaging ice, severe storms on the table next couple days***

Paul Dorian

A very impactful storm system will slide out of the SW US later today and begin to intensify over the south-central states by later tonight.  After slamming California and the southwestern states, this system will bring accumulating snow, excessive rain, and damaging ice to parts of the eastern half of the nation during the next couple of days.  In addition, this system will contribute to a potential severe weather outbreak from later today into Friday across the south-central US.

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7:00 AM | **Strong low pressure pushes to our northwest later tomorrow and a secondary develops off the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline**

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will pass through the region later today ushering in colder air for the end of the work week.  On Friday, strong low pressure will push towards the Great Lakes, grind to a halt, and transfer its energy to a secondary storm system off the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline. The result here from this pattern will be occasional rain from tomorrow afternoon into early Saturday and winds will increase as well. The rain can come down hard on Friday night and there can be a thunderstorm in the region. High pressure returns to the region later in the weekend.

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