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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *Hurricane Lee slides by to our east on a path to eastern New England/Atlantic Canada*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern in the Mid-Atlantic region for the next several days will be quite nice, but there will be a couple of hiccups along the way. With the passage of Hurricane Lee to our east, the pressure gradient field around here may intensify enough for some gusty winds from later today into tomorrow and the winds will be even more noticeable at the nearby shore points. Also, clouds may extend this far to the west of Hurricane Lee for awhile from late today into early Saturday. On Sunday, a frontal system will approach and this can result in showers late in the day or at night. Temperatures for the next several days will generally hold in the comfortable 70’s during the afternoon hours and drop to the cool 50’s for overnight lows. Hurricane Lee has its sights set on eastern New England/Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia) and will cause rough surf all along the US east coast through the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *An extended stretch of nice fall-like weather for the Mid-Atlantic region*

Paul Dorian

An extended stretch of beautiful fall-like weather began late yesterday in the Mid-Atlantic region following the passage of a strong cool front. Temperatures in this extended stretch of nice weather in the Mid-Atlantic region will generally hold in the 70’s during the afternoon hours and drop to the 50’s for overnight lows…very comfortable for the middle of September. High pressure will stay in control around here for the next several days and Hurricane Lee passes well to our east this weekend. Hurricane Lee has its sights set on eastern New England/Atlantic Canada and will cause rough surf all along the US east coast in coming days.

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12:00 PM | ***Lee remains a “major” and has begun its turn to the north…significant impact possible this weekend across eastern New England/Atlantic Canada with hurricane-force winds on the table***

Paul Dorian

Hurricane Lee remains as a “major” category 3 system and has begun its turn to the north as it becomes increasingly influenced by an upper-level trough over the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley. This turn to the north will come with gradually increasing forward speed and will bring Hurricane Lee to the west of Bermuda on Thursday where there will be tropical storm conditions. As an upper-level ridge intensifies over the NW Atlantic late in the week, Hurricane Lee may actually take a turn slightly to the left which will bring it close to southeastern New England. Hurricane Lee is then likely to become “post-tropical” as it potentially reaches coastal Maine/New Brunswick later in the weekend. Despite movement over colder waters before its landfall and a likely slight weakening in central pressure, the pressure gradient will remain intense between this powerful storm system and intensifying high pressure to the north. As a result, a significant impact is possible this weekend from eastern New England to Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia) with torrential rains and hurricane-force winds on the table.

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7:00 AM | *An extended stretch of beautiful fall-like weather on the way*

Paul Dorian

Showers and thunderstorms pushed into the region last night associated with an incoming strong cool frontal system. That front works its way through the area later today and sets the stage for an extended stretch of beautiful fall-like weather in the Mid-Atlantic region. Temperatures in this upcoming extended period of nice weather will generally hold in the 70’s for afternoon highs and the 50’s for overnight lows…quite comfortable for the middle of September.

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1:10 PM | ***Hurricane Lee to soon take a turn to the north…significant impact in eastern New England this weekend with heavy rains, strong winds…an active tropical scene at climatological peak***

Paul Dorian

The climatological peak of the Atlantic Basin tropical season is right around this time of year and it is certainly living up to its billing. Lee remains a category 3 “major’ hurricane today and continues to move slowly on a west-northwest track over very warm waters of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. It will soon take a turn to the north as it becomes increasingly influenced by an upper-level trough that will build over the eastern states. Lee will likely have a significant impact on eastern New England this weekend with heavy rains and strong winds as it pushes towards Maine or Nova Scotia as a tropical storm or a “post-tropical” system. Elsewhere in the Atlantic Basin, Margot has reached hurricane status; however, its future looks rather harmless as it likely weakens on its northward trek to a position over the Northern Atlantic. Another tropical system is located over the eastern Atlantic and it should intensify in coming days as it pushes over some very warm waters of the tropical Atlantic.

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7:00 AM | *Unsettled tonight and Wednesday with additional showers/storms likely...some rain can be heavy...great weather Thursday through Monday*

Paul Dorian

A strong cool front begins to approach the area later today and then passes through later Wednesday. This frontal system will renew the threat of showers and thunderstorms around here for tonight and Wednesday and, once again, any rain that falls can be on the heavy side and any storm that forms can reach strong-to-severe levels. High pressure will follow the mid-week frontal passage and will generate beautiful weather here for the period of Thursday through Monday. Temperatures in this late week/weekend stretch will generally hold in the 70’s for afternoon highs and 50’s for overnight lows…quite comfortable for the middle of September.

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9:45 AM | ***Hurricane Lee to take a turn to the north at mid-week…impacts eastern New England this weekend with heavy rain, strong winds…active overall tropical scene at climatological peak***

Paul Dorian

The climatological peak of the Atlantic Basin tropical season is right around this time of year and it is certainly living up to its billing. Lee is a category 3 “major’ hurricane today and continues to move slowly on a west-northwest track over very warm waters of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. It will take a turn to the north later in the week as it becomes increasingly influenced by an upper-level trough that will build over the central and eastern states. Lee will likely have a significant impact on eastern New England this weekend with heavy rains and strong winds as it pushes towards Maine or Nova Scotia as a tropical storm or “post-tropical” system.

Elsewhere in the Atlantic Basin, Tropical Storm Margot may indeed reach hurricane status in the near-term; however, its future looks rather harmless as it likely stays over the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Another tropical system has just pushed off the west coast of Africa and is now located over the far eastern Atlantic. It is likely that this system intensifies in coming days and may ultimately present a threat to the US east coast sometime later this month.

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7:00 AM | *Continued unsettled weather today through Wednesday...very nice weather Thursday through the weekend*

Paul Dorian

The week begins with a nearby frontal system and the result will be a continuing chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Mid-Atlantic region and any rain that falls can be heavy at times. An even stronger cool front approaches the area later tomorrow and passes through on Wednesday and this system will renew the threat of showers and thunderstorms in the NYC metro region. High pressure will follow the mid-week frontal passage and will generate beautiful weather for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On the tropical scene, Lee is a category 3 “major” hurricane this morning as it very slowly churns across the tropical Atlantic. It will begin to make a northward turn later in the week and could have an impact on eastern New England by the weekend…still being closely monitored.

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7:00 AM | **A daily shot at showers and thunderstorms into next week...any rain can be heavy, any storm can be strong-to-severe...Lee strengthens all the way into "cat 5" hurricane status**

Paul Dorian

A frontal system will stall out in the nearby vicinity today and the result will be a continuing threat of showers and thunderstorms that’ll last through the upcoming weekend and into early next week. Any rain that falls in this unsettled weather pattern can be heavy at times and any thunderstorm can be severe. In terms of temperatures, they’ll gradually drop off during the next few days with highs in the lower 80’s likely by Sunday and Monday. On the tropical scene, Hurricane Lee strengthened rapidly late yesterday all the way into a “category 5” classification…will continue to be closely monitored over the next several days.

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12:00 PM (Thursday) | ****Lee intensifying rapidly and is likely to become a "major" hurricane later today..."cat 5" on the table…WNW path brings it to the north of the northern Leeward Islands****

Paul Dorian

Lee is intensifying rapidly and is likely to become a “major” hurricane later in the day as a category 3 or even higher. The overall environment is very favorable for the strengthening of Lee with the relaxation of wind shear as it moves underneath an upper-level ridge and its WNW trek continues over very warm waters of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Hurricane Lee has been on a consistent path to the WNW and that should bring it to a position north of the northern Leeward Islands this weekend. 

By early next week, the west-to-northwest path of Lee should change to a northerly direction which would reduce the chances of a direct impact on the US east coast. However, any small deviation in the timing or magnitude of this potential “turn” can have significant implications downstream. Two systems that will likely play a big role in the ultimate track of Lee are many days away from even forming. They include an upper-level trough that may develop over the Ohio Valley/eastern US later next week and an upper-level ridge that may intensify over southeastern Canada/NW Atlantic.

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