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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

8:00 AM (Sunday) | ****Rain-to-snow scenario in much of the Mid-Atlantic from later Monday night into Tuesday…accumulations across PA, central/northern NJ, NYC****

Paul Dorian

The last two days were quite mild across the Mid-Atlantic region with highs reaching the upper 50’s in many areas and even the lower 60’s in a few spots. A cold front pushed through late Saturday, but there will not be any truly cold air mass following it for the beginning of the new work week. Later Monday, an intensifying storm system will push towards the Mid-Atlantic region and with no cold air established, rain will fall initially in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. As the storm pushes to the Mid-Atlantic coastline and intensifies, colder air will wrap into the system from the north and west later Monday night into early Tuesday. As a result, a changeover to snow is likely across Pennsylvania, central/northern NJ, and in the New York City metro region with accumulations on Tuesday morning and there will be an impact on the AM commute in many spots. A changeover to snow is less likely across the DC metro region and southern New Jersey, but even there some sleet and snow is likely to fall early Tuesday.

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12:00 PM | ***Rain-to-snow scenario in the Mid-Atlantic region from later Monday into Tuesday...accumulations are possible; especially, to the north of the PA/MD border***

Paul Dorian

The next two days will be very mild across the Mid-Atlantic region with highs reaching the upper 50’s in many areas and 60+ degrees in a few spots. A cold front pushes through later Saturday with some rain shower activity, but there will not be any truly cold air mass following it for the beginning of the new week. Later Monday, an intensifying storm system will push towards the Mid-Atlantic region and with no cold air established, rain is likely to fall in the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. As the storm pushes to the Mid-Atlantic coastline, colder air will wrap into the system from the north and west on Monday night and a changeover to snow is possible all the way down to the I-95 corridor. Accumulations of snow are on the table by early Tuesday; especially, in areas to the north of the PA/MD border.

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6:00 AM | **Quite mild for today and Saturday...rain-to-snow threat from later Monday into Tuesday**

Paul Dorian

Milder weather will continue in the Mid-Atlantic region for the next couple of days with temperatures likely well up in the 50’s around here each afternoon. There will be a mix of clouds and sun today and mostly cloudy skies on Saturday with the chance of showers as a cold front pushes through the region. The overall weather pattern will become colder next week and the front-end of this transition is going to be accompanied by a strong storm system from later Monday into Tuesday. Given the lack of cold air at the onset, odds favor rain initially in the local area; however, colder air can wrap into the system from the north and west so there is a chance for an changeover to snow in some sections and accumulations are on the table.

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7:00 AM | **Turns milder for the next few days...a colder pattern returns next week and a threat of rain and/or snow***

Paul Dorian

Milder weather is on the way to the Mid-Atlantic region for the next few days with temperatures likely to peak on Saturday afternoon in the upper 50’s despite featuring plenty of clouds and the good chance of PM showers. The overall weather pattern will change next week to colder-than-normal conditions for the central and eastern states and the front-end of this transition is likely to be accompanied by a strong storm system from later Monday into Tuesday. Given the lack of cold air at the onset, odds favor rain initially in the local area, but colder air can wrap into the system from the north and west so there is a chance for an eventual changeover to snow. It turns quite cold and windy by the middle of next week on the backside of this storm…all part of the upcoming significant pattern change.

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3:30 PM | ***Significant pattern change for the central/eastern US begins next week and it should have some staying power…strong storm system early next eye on President's Day weekend***

Paul Dorian

All systems are go for a significant pattern change in the central and eastern US beginning next week and this change to colder-than-normal looks like it will have some staying power. In fact, an on-going stratospheric warming event suggests the upcoming pattern change to colder-than-normal can last all the way into the middle of March in the eastern half of the country. The front-end of this transition in the overall pattern is likely to come with a strong storm system in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US during the first half of next week. There will be a lack of cold air at the onset of this storm system which is likely to limit the chances of accumulating snow in the immediate I-95 corridor; however, significant snow will be on the table for interior, higher elevation locations of the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US. If this early week system fails to produce snow in the I-95 corridor, snow lovers should be happy to hear that other threats are quite likely down the road given the upcoming significant pattern change. Indeed, one such threat could take place during the President’s Day weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Another dry, chilly and sunny day...mild by Friday and Saturday*

Paul Dorian

It stays chilly around here for the next couple of days, but milder weather is coming to end the work week and begin the weekend. Highs today and tomorrow will generally be in the 40’s, the lower 50’s are likely on Friday afternoon, and then temperatures can flirt with the 60 degree mark on Saturday despite an abundance of clouds and likely PM showers. There will be a transition to a colder weather pattern early next week and low pressure is likely to bring some rain and/or snow to the Mid-Atlantic region from later Monday into Tuesday.

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12:00 PM | *Pattern change to colder-than-normal begins next week across the central and eastern US and it will have some staying power…storm threat at front-end of the transition*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will be well above-normal in the central US during the next couple of days and this warm-up will extend to the eastern US this Friday and Saturday. However, a pattern change to colder-than-normal weather begins next week in the central and eastern US and this change looks like it will have some staying power. Numerous teleconnection indices point to a significant change in the overall pattern that indeed could last into March and recurring stratospheric warming supports the idea. As far as storm threats are concerned, signs are increasing for low pressure to push into the Mid-Atlantic region early next week on the front-end of this pattern transition. While there will be no cold air established on the front-end, it is possible that cold air can get wrapped into the system depending on its track so accumulating snow cannot be ruled out. 

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7:00 AM | *Dry, chilly next couple of days...much milder Friday/Saturday...turns colder next week*

Paul Dorian

High pressure will remain in control of the weather around here for the next several days. As the high pushes off the coast later in the week, milder air will transition from the central states to the eastern US and temperatures here can peak near 60 degrees by the first half of the upcoming weekend. It does begin to transition to a colder pattern early next week and there may be low pressure to deal with at the front-end of this transition in the overall temperature pattern.

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11:00 AM | *Pattern change to colder-than-normal begins next week across the central and eastern US...this upcoming pattern change has some staying power*

Paul Dorian

Temperatures will climb to well above-normal levels in the central US during the next couple of days and then in the eastern US this Friday and Saturday. However, a pattern change to colder-than-normal begins next week in the central and eastern US and this change looks like it will have some staying power. Numerous teleconnection indices point to an upcoming change in the temperature pattern and an on-going stratospheric warming event supports the idea.

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7:00 AM | *A quiet week that is chilly to start and will be quite mild to finish*

Paul Dorian

Widespread high pressure sits over the eastern US as we begin the new work week and it’ll be in control of the weather for much of the week. Low pressure will meander around over the western Atlantic for the next few days, but it’s impact around here should be minimal. The high slides off the east coast late in the week and low pressure will head into the Great Lakes region resulting in quite mild weather around here to start the upcoming weekend.

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