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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

9:00 AM (Friday) | ****Gulf of Mexico the target region for two tropical storms****

Paul Dorian

The 2020 Atlantic Basin tropical season has gotten off to a very active start and two systems are likely to have a high impact on the Gulf of Mexico by the early and middle parts of next week. One system is likely to cross over or right near the Yucatan Peninsula region of Mexico in the near-term and then push over the western part of the Gulf of Mexico and head towards the Texas/Louisiana border region. A second system is likely headed near or over the northern Caribbean islands of Puerto Rico, Haiti/Dominican Republic, and Cuba in the near-term and then perhaps through the Florida Straits before entering the Gulf of Mexico by early next week. Both of these systems are likely to intensify into named tropical storms status – one would be “Laura” and the other “Marco” – and perhaps even to hurricane status before possible landfalls next week as high sea surface temperatures will aid in further intensification.

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7:00 AM | **A very active tropical scene with the Gulf of Mexico region a likely high impact area**

Paul Dorian

The tropical scene in the Atlantic Basin is very active and there are two separate depressions which could impact the Gulf of Mexico region by the early part of next week. An initial tropical depression is likely to cross Yucatan, Mexico and then push into the western Gulf with perhaps an ultimate impact on Texas. A second tropical depression is likely to take a track towards the Florida Straits with a possible impact by early-to-mid next week anywhere from Cuba to southern Florida.

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12:40 PM (Thursday) | ***Two tropical depressions in the Atlantic Basin with the Gulf of Mexico in the likely high impact zone by early-to-mid next week***

Paul Dorian

The 2020 Atlantic Basin tropical season has gotten off to a very busy start and a parade of systems is going to keep it busy right through the remainder of August. There are now two tropical depressions in the Atlantic Basin which are likely to reach tropical storm status in coming days with the Gulf of Mexico the likely high impact zone by the early or middle of next week. A third tropical wave has reached the west coast of Africa and there is yet another wave situated over the central part of Africa. A “teleconnection” index known as the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) which tracks an eastward-moving tropical disturbance supports the idea for increased tropical activity over the next couple of week. In addition, the latter part of August is a time of year when tropical activity tends to ramp up as sea surface temperatures climb towards their peak supporting the formation and intensification of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Basin.

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7:00 AM | **A very active tropical scene and the Gulf of Mexico region from Florida-to-Texas may be in the impact zone**

Paul Dorian

The wet weather pattern of recent days will continue right through the upcoming weekend in the Tennessee Valley as an upper-level trough becomes entrenched over the central Gulf of Mexico region. In addition to the upper air low pressure system, an abundance of moisture in the lower levels of the atmosphere will contribute to instability over the next few days. Temperatures today and Friday will likely hold in the 80’s for highs with overnight lows generally in the mid or upper 60’s. Elsewhere, an active tropical scene in the Atlantic Basin will likely continue through the remainder of the month and there are four tropical waves being closely monitored at this time.

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1:00 PM (Wed.) | *A parade of tropical systems from the Caribbean Sea to Africa…"teleconnections", "climatology" support the idea of an active stretch into Sept…Gulf of Mexico likely impact zone*

Paul Dorian

The 2020 Atlantic Basin tropical season has gotten off to a very busy start and a parade of systems is going to keep it busy right through the remainder of the month of August. There are currently two tropical systems in the Atlantic Basin which are being closely monitored and both are likely to reach tropical storm status in coming days. A third tropical wave has reached the west coast of Africa and it looks quite impressive on satellite imagery and there is yet another wave situated over the central part of Africa. A “teleconnection” index known as the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) which tracks an eastward-moving tropical disturbance supports the idea for increased tropical activity as we progress through the rest of August. In addition, the latter part of August is from a “climatological” point-of-view, a time of year when tropical activity tends to ramp up as sea surface temperatures climb towards their peak supporting the formation and intensification of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Basin.

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7:00 AM | *Temperatures to trend downward for the latter part of the week*

Paul Dorian

The Tennessee Valley is in store for another somewhat unsettled, hot and humid day ahead of an incoming frontal system, but the remainder of the week will feature a downward trend in temperatures. Highs today should reach the 90 degree mark in northern Alabama, but will be confined to the mid and upper 80’s for much of the second half of the week. As upper-level trough deepens in the south-central states, the daily chance for showers and thunderstorms around here will continue right into the upcoming weekend.

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12:20 PM | *A nation divided…cooler in the East…hotter in the West*

Paul Dorian

The overall weather pattern is shaping up to feature cooler weather in the eastern US where temperatures will be well below-normal at times in coming days and very hot weather in the western US where numerous record highs will be challenged. A large upper-level trough of low pressure will extend from eastern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico by the middle of next week at the same time high pressure ridging will intensify over the Southwest US. The transition to the cooler weather in the eastern US has come about with plenty of rainfall and the buildup of heat in the western US has come with an increase in wildfire activity that often ramps up during this time of year.

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7:00 AM | *An upper-level trough of low pressure builds into the Tennessee Valley and keeps it unsettled around here*

Paul Dorian

The Tennessee Valley is in store for more unsettled weather during the next few days as an upper-level trough of low pressure intensifies overhead. This system will not only help to generate scattered-to-numerous showers and thunderstorms across northern Alabama, it’ll keep a lid on temperatures that should peak at 90 degrees or slightly lower through the weekend. Elsewhere, another tropical storm has formed, “Josephine”, but it should encounter unfavorable environmental conditions and weaken before it ever has a chance from reaching the southeastern US.

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7:00 AM | *Not as hot next couple of days, but still the chance for showers and thunderstorms*

Paul Dorian

The Tennessee Valley is in store for more unsettled weather today as a trough of low pressure pushes over the Tennessee Valley. As a result, there can be more showers and thunderstorms in the area with the greatest chance during the afternoon and evening hours. The threat for showers and storms will continue on Friday as well, but one change will be slightly cooler temperatures as high pressure builds across the northeastern US.

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