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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | **Chilly today and patchy frost possible in the overnight hours**

Paul Dorian

A strong cold front has ushered in colder air for the Tennessee Valley as we begin the new week and highs will be confined to the 50’s this afternoon. It’ll be cold tonight and patchy frost is possible in the late night hours with overnight lows in the middle 30’s. High pressure takes full control at mid-week and the second half of the week will become quite comfortable with the 70’s for highs again as we approach and begin the weekend.

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7:00 AM | *Yet another tropical wave to monitor as we close out the month of October*

Paul Dorian

A cooler air mass has pushed into the Tennessee valley following the passage of a cold front and it’ll remain pretty comfortable through the upcoming weekend. Another cold front will drop through the area on Sunday night and usher in a chilly air mass to start the new work week. On the tropical scene, the remnants of “Zeta” have pushed off the east coast and now there is another tropical wave to monitor over the southeastern part of the Caribbean Sea. If this new tropical wave becomes a named storm – and there is a pretty decent chance of that - then this would create a tie with 2005 for the highest number of named systems (28) in a given Atlantic Basin tropical season.

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11:20 AM (Thurs.) | *Heavy rain with the remains of Zeta…cold tomorrow with snow in parts of the NE US…first freeze tomorrow night…a cold Halloween…another cold blast coming with “lake effect” snow*

Paul Dorian

The remains of Hurricane Zeta are now racing to the northeast and are resulting in a widespread heavy rain event today from the Appalachian Mountains to New England. This system will push off the Mid-Atlantic coastline early tonight, but a second low will form in the same general region by early tomorrow as a vigorous upper-level low arrives from the Tennessee Valley. This second storm will pull in colder air from the northwest by early tomorrow and the rain is likely to change to snow in interior, higher elevations sections of the Northeast US with small accumulations on the table in places like the Poconos (PA), Catskills, and Hudson Valley region of New York State. The first freeze will take place late tomorrow night in many spots of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US and a cold Halloween Day will follow. Another cold blast arrives on Sunday night and the first day of the new work week on Monday will feature windy and cold weather conditions with “lake effect” snows around the Great Lakes and to the western side of the Appalachians.

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7:00 AM | *The remains of "Zeta" accelerate to the northeast today after landfall late yesterday in SE LA*

Paul Dorian

“Zeta” made landfall late yesterday in the southeastern part of Louisiana becoming the 5th direct hit of the 2020 Atlantic Basin tropical season in that particular state. “Zeta” is accelerating today to the northeast and will combine with a strong upper-level low to generate a powerful storm system and a significant rain event across the Tennessee Valley, Appalachians, Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US.

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7:00 AM | *"Zeta" to make landfall later today in southeastern Louisiana*

Paul Dorian

“Zeta” is headed for a landfall later tomorrow in the southeastern part of Louisiana which will make the 6th direct hit in that state during this 2020 Atlantic Basin tropical season. After landfall, the remains of “Zeta” will turn northeast and combine with a strong upper-level low to generate a powerful storm system and a significant rain event across the Tennessee Valley, Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US from tomorrow into Friday. By late tomorrow night, this powerful storm will likely be situated off the Mid-Atlantic coastline and a cold air mass will begin to get wrapped in resulting in a changeover to snow on Friday in portions of the Northeast US.

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7:00 AM | *"Zeta" is headed for a mid-week landfall in the central Gulf coastal region*

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm “Zeta” is on the verge of becoming a hurricane again as it pushes away from the Yucatan Peninsula region of Mexico and out over the southern Gulf of Mexico. After that, “Zeta” will likely head to a landfall later tomorrow in the southeastern part of Louisiana – probably as a category 1 hurricane – and then it’ll turn to the northeast and bring significant rainfall to the Tennessee Valley, Mid-Atlantic region and southern New England.

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1:20 PM (Monday) | *Early season Arctic blast brings record-breaking cold and accumulating snow to the western and central US…portions of the Northeast US could see a changeover to snow at week’s end*

Paul Dorian

While the Atlantic Basin tropical scene remains active, an Arctic blast has brought record-breaking cold to portions of the western and central US as well as some unusual early season accumulating snow. In fact, the accumulating snow will take place all the way down to New Mexico and Texas over the next 48 hours or so with some spots likely receiving a foot or more. Meanwhile, the remains of Tropical Storm “Zeta” are likely to produce significant rainfall across the Tennessee Valley, Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US from Thursday into Friday after making a mid-week landfall in the central Gulf coastal region. By later Friday, some of the cold air from this Arctic Blast will makes its way into the Northeast US and it could result in a changeover to snow in interior, higher elevation locations as moisture from the remnants of Tropical Storm “Zeta” passes through the region.

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7:00 AM | *Tropical Storm "Zeta" on the verge of hurricane status*

Paul Dorian

Tropical Storm “Zeta” is on the verge of becoming a hurricane over the northwestern part of the Caribbean Sea and will likely cross the northeastern part of the Yucatan Peninsula region of Mexico during the next day or so. After that, “Zeta” will likely heads to a mid-week landfall in the central Gulf coastal region – probably as a category 1 hurricane – and then it’ll turn to the northeast and bring significant rainfall to the Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic regions.

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12:15 PM (Friday) | *Arctic blast to send accumulating snow all the way down to Texas/New Mexico with numerous record low temperatures…tropical wave likely to head towards the southern Gulf of Mexico*

Paul Dorian

It has already been quite cold for this time of year across much of the interior Northwest and Northern Plains with significant accumulating snow in many areas in recent days and the worse may be yet to come. An Arctic blast will send temperatures plunging over the next few days all the way down to the southwestern US and southern Plains and accumulating snow can fall all the way down to states like Texas and New Mexico. In addition, numerous record low temperatures are likely to fall from the Northern Rockies to the southern Plains during this unusual late October cold wave. Meanwhile, in the tropics, Hurricane “Epsilon” will turn to the northeast and accelerate this weekend out over the open waters of the North Atlantic. Another tropical system will intensify over the northwest Caribbean Sea – likely reaching tropical storm status this weekend – and then it could head towards the central Gulf coastal region by the middle of next week.

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7:00 AM | *Another day around here with highs in the 80's...slightly cooler for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

Above-normal temperatures will continue here for another day, but then a cool frontal passage will knock off a few degrees as we begin the weekend. Highs later today are likely to be in the lower 80’s, but confined to the middle 70’s on Saturday afternoon. An even stronger cool front will arrive here early next few week and it’ll turn cooler in the Tennessee Valley for Tuesday and Wednesday.

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