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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

11:30 AM | ***Major storm to impact much of the nation next few days…significant snowfall, flooding rains, ice and a severe weather outbreak***

Paul Dorian

Strong low pressure now over the western US will impact much of the nation in coming days with significant snows, flooding rains, damaging ice, and even a severe weather outbreak. Heavy snow continues to fall today in the higher elevations of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains and will intensify over the Rocky Mountains States from later today into Thursday.  By later tomorrow, the strong surface low will slide into the south-central US and ingredients will likely come together for a severe weather outbreak across the Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys from late tomorrow into Friday. After that, this major storm system will push towards the Great Lakes on Friday, grind to a halt as it becomes influenced by intensifying high-latitude blocking and transfer its energy to a secondary low pressure system that will form off the northern Mid-Atlantic coastline. The result will be a significant snow event late in the week across parts of the Upper Midwest and Northeast US and ice can become a serious issue as well in some sections.

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7:00 AM | *High pressure edges this way and brings the return of some sunshine*

Paul Dorian

High pressure pushes into the region today generating some sunshine and milder conditions.  Clouds increase tonight ahead of the next frontal system and there can be some late night/Thursday morning shower activity.  It stays mild on Thursday, but colder air pushes in for Friday as strong low pressure heads towards the Great Lakes from the south-central states.  Rain or a wintry mix changing to rain is likely on Friday as the primary low pressure system gives way to a secondary storm off the Mid-Atlantic coastline.   

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1:00 PM | ***Major storm to impact much of the nation in coming days…excessive rainfall, significant snow, ice…and a possible severe weather outbreak***

Paul Dorian

As one storm begins to exit off the Northeast US coastline, another one is already impacting northern California with rain in the lower elevations and snows in the mountains. This system will become a major storm and impact much of the nation in coming days with significant snow, ice and rain all the way from California-to-New England. There is also the threat of a severe weather outbreak later in the week across the Lower Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys.

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7:00 AM | *Low pressure to only slowly pull away from the Mid-Atlantic coastline*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure near the Mid-Atlantic coastline can produce some additional rain, sleet and/or snow this morning before some clearing takes place late in the day. After a cold night, temperatures will rebound some on Wednesday likely reaching the mid-to-upper 40’s for afternoon highs.  The milder weather continues on Thursday ahead of the next cold front which will usher in colder air for the end of the week.  Low pressure will head in this direction on Friday and it can bring us a wintry mix of precipitation.

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12:45 PM | ***Strong and complex storm system to bring wintry precipitation to the northern Mid-Atlantic region from late today into early Tuesday***

Paul Dorian

There will be some wintry precipitation from late today into mid-day Tuesday across the northern Mid-Atlantic region where such occurrences have been rather limited in recent weeks to say the least. A strong and complex storm system will feature a primary (initial) low pressure system that pushes northeastward later today into the Great Lakes and then a secondary low pressure system will develop later tonight along the Mid-Atlantic coastline. A wintry mix of rain, ice and snow is likely across the Philly metro region and snow and/or sleet will likely be the dominate precipitation types from east-central PA northeastward to southeastern New York State. Small accumulations of snow and ice are possible in the suburbs of Philadelphia where the sleet can actually come down heavy at times, moderate accumulation amounts in the Lehigh Valley and New York City, and more significant levels are likely in the higher elevations of the Poconos/northeastern PA, interior NW New Jersey, and N/W suburbs of NYC.

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7:00 AM | ***Snow accumulations of up to a few inches possible from early tonight into early Tuesday***

Paul Dorian

Strong and complex low pressure tracks into the Great Lakes today and it’ll likely bring a decent amount of precipitation to the Mid-Atlantic region and the precipitation type will be location dependent. Snow and/or sleet are likely to be the predominate precipitation types across east-central/northeastern PA to northern New Jersey to New York City. Accumulations of snow and ice are likely to range from around 2-4 inches in the Lehigh Valley and the immediate metro region of New York City to as much as 3-6 inches in the Poconos, NE PA, interior NW NJ, and the far N/W suburbs of NYC. Another strong system may threaten the entire DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor with rain and/or snow by the end of the week.

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10:30 AM | ***From record warmth on Thursday in the Mid-Atlantic region to much colder, snow showers on Saturday....accumulating snow/sleet possible later Monday across the northern Mid-Atlantic***

Paul Dorian

There was record warmth in parts of the East on Thursday including in the Mid-Atlantic region where, for example, Washington, D.C.’s Reagan National Airport (DCA) surged to 81 degrees breaking a record set in the late 1800’s.  What a difference a day makes…temperatures at mid-day on Friday are in the 40’s in much of the Mid-Atlantic with very gusty NW winds following the early day passage of a strong cold front. The change in weather will become even more dramatic by Saturday as some snow shower activity is likely in the Mid-Atlantic region – including in some of those same areas that reached the 70’s and 80’s just twenty-four hours ago. Looking even farther ahead, accumulating snow and/or sleet is possible from later Monday into early Tuesday across portions of the northern Mid-Atlantic including in the New York City metro region.

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7:00 AM | **Colder today and the winds will kick up following the late night passage of a cold front...snow showers in the forecast for Saturday**

Paul Dorian

After a mild day on Thursday, colder air has pushed into the region following the late night passage of a cold front.  Winds will kick up as well today with gusts to 40 mph quite likely throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Low pressure can produce snow showers in the NYC metro region on Saturday and then a stronger system could throw some rain and/or snow this way early next week. 

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2:00 PM | ***Record-breaking warmth in the East…bitter cold in much of the western half of the nation…blizzard warnings in of all places southern California***

Paul Dorian

The country is sharply divided today in terms of temperatures with record-breaking warmth in the East and bitter cold in much of the western half of the nation.  In addition to the cold, accumulating snow is falling in a swath from the Upper Midwest to northern New England from a storm system that has impacted a large part of the nation in recent days. Snow is also falling across many western states and blizzard warnings have been posted in of all places the southern part of California. In fact, for the first time ever, blizzard warnings have been issued by the San Diego office of NOAA’s National Weather Service for the San Bernardino Mountains.

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7:00 AM | *Lots of clouds here today with a cool easterly breeze...chilly, breezy end to the work week*

Paul Dorian

After a mainly cloudy and cool Thursday, the next cold front will push through in the overnight hours resulting in a chilly and increasingly windy end to the work week. It remains quite chilly on Saturday and weak low pressure can produce some snow shower activity in the region, but its moisture content will be rather limited. Another system threatens to bring us some precipitation during the early part of next week.

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