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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

7:00 AM | *Still feeling the effects of a slow-moving, weakened tropical system*

Paul Dorian

The weakened remains of Tropical Storm Ophelia will drift only slowly away from the area during the next couple of days and we’ll continue to experience cool, damp conditions with occasional light rain or drizzle. High pressure builds across southeastern Canada at mid-week and this will result in the return of some sunshine along with continued cool weather conditions, but another upper-level trough makes it somewhat unsettled here late in the week.

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11:30 AM | ***Tropical storm to be impactful along the east coast with heavy rain, strong winds, coastal flooding, rough surf…an outside chance of reaching hurricane status before landfall***

Paul Dorian

An intensifying storm system over the southwestern Atlantic Ocean will be quite impactful during the next couple of days all the way from the Carolinas to Long Island. Heavy rain, powerful winds, beach erosion and coastal flooding are all on the table from this storm as it pushes in a general north-to-northwest direction during the next couple of days and even isolated tornadoes cannot be ruled out. This system will take on tropical characteristics as it heads towards an early Saturday landfall in eastern North Carolina - potentially intensifying into a category 1 hurricane. Later this weekend, as the storm reaches the Chesapeake Bay region, it will slow down and begin a turn from the general northward direction to northeast. It’ll likely then cross the Delaware Bay and heads toward southern New Jersey in a weakened state and its slow pace will result in rainfall across the Mid-Atlantic region all the way into later Sunday.

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7:00 AM | ***Coastal tropical storm to have big impact from the Carolinas to southern New England***

Paul Dorian

A tropical low pressure system will intensify off the Carolina coastline today and it will have a big impact here beginning late tonight and continuing through much of the weekend. High pressure will begin to lose control of our weather here today as clouds will be on the increase and the breeze will begin to pick up. Rain associated with the tropical storm should push in later tonight and continue off and on at varying rates well into the upcoming weekend with a few inches on the table. Winds will become a noticeable factor as well during this weather event; especially, along coastal sections where gusts past 50 mph are likely. The pressure gradient will tighten between the intensifying tropical low pressure to the south and a departing strong high pressure system to the north resulting in strong and persistent onshore winds. The extended period of onshore winds will increase the chance of beach erosion and coastal flooding at times of high tide.

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12:15 PM | ****East coast tropical storm to be impactful all the way from the Carolinas to southern New England…heavy rain, strong winds, coastal flooding, rough surf…all on the table****

Paul Dorian

A storm is beginning to take shape today over the southwestern Atlantic Ocean where sea surface temperatures remain at unusually warm levels as high as 30 degrees (Celsius). This developing system will take on tropical characteristics and move in a general north-to-northwest direction over the next couple of days. Later in the weekend, this storm is likely to slow down some as it makes a turn from a northerly direction to northeast. Whether or not it becomes a named tropical storm by NOAA’s National Hurricane Center (and there is an outside chance of it reaching category 1 hurricane status), this system will be quite impactful in terms of rain, wind and surf all the way from the Carolinas to southern New England.

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7:00 AM | ***Tropical storm threat along the coast continues with an impact here from later tomorrow night through much of the weekend***

Paul Dorian

The weather will remain quite nice through much of the day on Friday, but a tropical storm along the east coast will impact us here with rain and wind from later tomorrow night through much of the weekend. High pressure will slide off the New England coastline on Friday at the same time low pressure intensifies over the still very warm waters of the Southwest Atlantic. This system is likely to take on tropical characteristics as it moves in a general northward direction impacting the region with rain and wind on Saturday. The combination of the intensifying low pressure to the south and departing high pressure to the north will result in a tightening pressure gradient in the Mid-Atlantic region during this weather event. The result of this will be strong and persistent onshore winds and an increased chance of coastal flooding.

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10:30 AM (Wednesday) | **Storm threat continues for the east coast…strong onshore winds early this weekend with this “tropical-like” system**

Paul Dorian

A storm threat continues for the late week/weekend near and along the east coast with the potential of heavy rain and strong onshore winds. Low pressure will form just off the Southeast US coastline over very warm waters of the southwestern Atlantic and likely take on “tropical” characteristics. Whether or not this system becomes classified as “tropical” remains to be seen; however, the end result could be the same with heavy rain on the table and persistent strong onshore winds; especially, for coastal sections from the Carolinas to southern New England.

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7:00 AM | **Nice weather to continue through Friday in the NYC metro region...weekend coastal storm threat continues**

Paul Dorian

The weather will remain quite nice in the Mid-Atlantic region through much of the day on Friday, but the weekend looks like it will feature some rain depending on the movement of a storm that is to form off the Southeast US coastline. High pressure will remain in control around here through the end of the work week resulting in plenty of sunshine each day along with fall-like temperatures. A storm will form at week’s end over the warm waters of the SW Atlantic and then move in a general northward direction - likely impacting the region with rain and wind on Saturday. This system should take on “tropical” characteristics and will interact act with strong high pressure to the north to generate persistent and strong onshore flow.

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*Nice fall-like weather through the remainder of the work week...storm forms just off SE US coastline at week's end and will be monitored*

Paul Dorian

The weather looks very nice in the Mid-Atlantic region from today through Friday, but the weekend could feature some rain depending on the movement of a storm that forms off of the Southeast US coastline. High pressure builds into the region today and will be in control through Friday generating plenty of sunshine each day along with fall-like temperatures. A storm is likely to form at week’s end and then move in a general northward direction. Whether there is a direct hit here or a glancing blow is still a bit too early to determine. This system could take on tropical characteristics and will interact act with strong high pressure to the north to generate persistent onshore flow along the coast.

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10:30 AM | **Storm threat along the east coast this weekend…system likely to take on tropical characteristics...strong onshore winds**

Paul Dorian

A storm threat exists for the weekend near or along the east coast with the potential of a widespread soaking rain event featuring persistent and strong onshore winds. Low pressure looks like it will form late this week just off the Southeast US coastline over very warm waters of the southwestern Atlantic and likely take on “tropical” characteristics. With high pressure expected to build to its north and east, this low pressure system should push northward right through the eastern states. Whether or not this system becomes classified as “tropical” remains to be seen; however, the end result could be the same with heavy rain and strong winds on the table.

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7:00 AM | *Cloudy, cool, damp start to the work week...nice weather for the remainder...storm threat for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

Low pressure will hang along the coast today resulting in cloudy, cool and damp conditions to start the work week, but the return of high pressure will bring nice weather here from Tuesday through Friday. Temperatures will be slightly cooler-than-normal today and quite comfortable for the rest of the week. Strong low pressure may try to ride up along the east coast this weekend potentially bringing widespread and soaking rain to the region.

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