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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

7:00 AM | *Another cold day with the chance of rain and/or snow showers...modification in temperatures this weekend*

Paul Dorian

It’ll remain quite cold here today and unsettled with the chance of rain and/or snow showers as low pressure pulls away and towards the Mid-Atlantic coastline. In its wake, it’ll turn even chillier on Friday with afternoon highs confined to the 30’s, but modification in temperatures will take place this weekend across the Tennessee Valley.

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12:00 PM (Tuesday) ****Significant snow and/or ice on Thursday/Thursday night in DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor…historic cold continues across the central US…nationwide snow cover at a record high****

Paul Dorian

With the passage of one storm system in the overnight hours, attention to those in the Mid-Atlantic region will now turn to the next storm system and this one is likely to generate significant snow and/or ice for the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor with several inches on the table. The next storm will take a track farther to the east compared to last night’s system and this will help to keep in place a cold air mass that arrives in the overnight hours. This cold air mass will be anchored by strong high pressure to the north and low-level temperatures are likely to remain at or below freezing during much of the upcoming event in the immediate I-95 corridor – virtually assuring a buildup of snow and/or ice.

Elsewhere, historic and dangerous cold continues today across much of the central US. Several sites have set their all-time low temperature records and many others have experienced their lowest temperatures ever recorded in the month of February. In addition to the extreme cold, snow and ice has accumulated all the way down to the Gulf coastal region of Texas. In fact, nearly three-quarters of the US is now covered by snow which is the highest amount ever recorded since this kind of data began to be collected in 2003.

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7:00 AM | ***Very cold air remains today across the Tennessee Valley...some modification begins on Wednesday***

Paul Dorian

Arctic air pushed into the region on Monday and it’ll remain way below normal across northern Alabama today despite the return of some sunshine. Highs this afternoon will likely not make it past the 30 degree mark and lows overnight will be near the 20 degree mark. Temperatures modify at mid-week with highs back in the 40’s and there will be a chance of showers.

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11:30 AM | ***Historic cold in central US…snow, ice storm TX/LA to Ohio Valley…icing tonight in Mid-Atlantic confined to areas well north/west of I-95…accumulating snow possible early Thursday***

Paul Dorian

Historic cold has gripped much of the central/southern US today with many locations experiencing their all-time lowest temperatures and many other sites breaking their monthly (February) low temperature records. In addition, snow and ice has fallen in unusual places today all the way down to the Gulf coastal regions of Texas and Louisiana. The storm responsible for the snow and ice in the Deep South will now head towards the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys and bring a swath of accumulating snow and significant ice along its path.

As this storm heads well to the north and west of the Mid-Atlantic I-95 corridor, enough warmer air should move in to generate primarily a plain rain event later today and tonight for the metro regions with icing confined to the far northern and western suburbs. A second storm later in the week will have more cold air ahead of it than this initial system and this could result in a period of accumulating snow at the onset late Wednesday night/early Thursday before a likely changeover to a wintry mix.

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7:00 AM | *****A dangerous winter storm to affect the Tennessee Valley into early Tuesday...significant ice buildup, possible power outages and treacherous travel conditions*****

Paul Dorian

A hazardous and dangerous winter event is now underway in the Tennessee Valley with several rounds of precipitation by early tomorrow. Freezing rain is likely throughout the day today with a significant buildup of ice and there will be a wintry mix tonight of snow, sleet and/or freezing rain. As a result of the expected significant icing, power outages are on the table and travel conditions will be extremely difficult. Slow improvement in the weather begins at mid-week across the region.

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11:45 AM (Saturday) | ***Coast-to-coast winter that includes significant snow, dangerous icing and historic cold***

Paul Dorian

Arctic air has gripped much of the northern and central US in recent days and it is plunging later this weekend to Texas and Oklahoma where the cold may be historic with all-time low temperature records likely being challenged in some spots. The longevity of this on-going cold wave across the northern and central US has been rather amazing with many areas experiencing bitter cold conditions for numerous days. In addition to the widespread and extreme cold, significant snow has accumulated in some regions including the Pacific Northwest (e.g., Seattle, Portland) and it is now moving into the Rocky Mountain States. Later in the weekend, this snow will spread into the far southern states of New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas and ice will become a problem all the way down to the Gulf coast of Texas. Ice has already become a major headache today across parts of the Mid-Atlantic region including the DC metro region where several accidents have been reported and a significant ice buildup is underway. Unfortunately, a change in the upper part of the atmosphere will likely result in additional icing events in coming days across much of the nation.

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7:00 AM | *Colder pattern sets up here as Arctic air makes a move to the south*

Paul Dorian

The warmer air from earlier this week in the Tennessee Valley has given up its ground as Arctic air pushes to the south from the Northern Plains to the southern states. High temperatures for the next few days are going to be in the 40’s and then perhaps confined to the 30’s by early next week. The overall pattern will be quite unsettled with the chance of rain and/or snow showers and even some icing is on the table as we get into early next week.

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7:00 AM | *Cold shot to be felt around here by the latter part of the weekend*

Paul Dorian

The Arctic air that has been holding its ground to our north this week is making a move to the south and we’ll turn cooler today and even colder by the latter part of the weekend. The cold to the north is associated with a deep upper-level low over the northern US and southern Canada and warmer air to the southeast of here is associated with an expanding ridge of high pressure. High temperatures this weekend are likely to be in the 40’s on Saturday and then confined to the 30’s by Sunday afternoon.

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1:30 PM | ****The worst that winter has to offer next ten days across much of the nation…accumulating snow…significant icing…persistent cold that will be extreme in some areas****

Paul Dorian

The next ten days will bring the worst that winter has to offer too much of the nation which will include accumulating snow, significant icing and persistent cold that will be extreme in some areas. The energetic pattern of recent days will continue with storm-after-storm impacting the nation from coast-to-coast in this next ten day time period. Perhaps the best example of the most extreme winter weather that is on the way will take place deep in the heart of Texas where temperatures could drop to near zero by early next week and snow and ice can accumulate all the way down into the southeastern part of the state.

In the Mid-Atlantic region, one system will bring accumulating snow to areas near and to the north of the PA/MD border from tonight into early Thursday and it’ll produce a mixed bag of snow, sleet and rain in the DC metro region. A second and relatively weak system will have little or no impact on areas to the north of the PA/MD border on Thursday night and early Friday, but it can produce a small amount of snow in the DC metro region. A stronger system set to arrive this weekend will have more moisture to deal with than these first two and it could result in more significant ice and/or snow in the Mid-Atlantic region. And yes, there may be two other storms to deal with in the Mid-Atlantic region next week with significant snow and/or ice on the table for either or both of these systems.

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