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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: HSV

1:30 PM Fri. | ***Significant storm to impact eastern US from Sunday to Monday…snow, ice, rain, coastal flooding, damaging winds all on the table…front-end accumulating snow/ice for I-95 corridor***

Paul Dorian

Many ingredients are coming together for a high impact type of storm system in the eastern third of the nation from Sunday into Monday with accumulating snow, ice, heavy rain, coastal flooding, and even high (potentially damaging) winds all on the table. The upper-level wave of energy that will be the catalyst for storm development has come ashore and it will dive to the south and east over the next couple of days. Low pressure will develop by early Sunday morning in the southeastern states and this system will then make a move to the northeast and it’ll encounter an Arctic air mass that will be quite reluctant to give up its ground. As a result, a significant snow and ice event is likely to take place across interior sections of Georgia and the Carolinas on Sunday morning and mid-day. After that, precipitation will push into the Mid-Atlantic region with cold, dense air in place and a period of snow and/or ice is likely in most interior sections with plain rain a likelihood along coastal areas. The DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor is in line for accumulating snow on the front-end of this storm and this can be followed by a period of icing given the expectation that the dense, cold low-level air mass will be tough to dislodge.

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7:00 AM | ***Chance for some accumulating snow on Sunday from unfolding significant storm system for the eastern third of the nation***

Paul Dorian

A strong low pressure system will impact the eastern third of the nation later this weekend and that will include the Tennessee Valley where there be some accumulating snow on Sunday. The storm begins here as a period of rain on Saturday with and increase in winds and then it can change to snow on Sunday morning with some accumulations possible. The responsible low pressure system will push northward later Sunday towards the Mid-Atlantic region and precipitation will wind down in the local region.

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****Significant storm threat for the eastern US for Sunday/Monday…snow, ice, rain, coastal flooding, damaging winds are all on the table…front-end accumulating snow/ice for I-95****

Paul Dorian

Many ingredients are coming together for a high impact type of storm system in the eastern third of the nation from Sunday into Monday with accumulating snow, ice, heavy rain, coastal flooding, and even high (potentially damaging) winds all on the table. The upper-level wave of energy that will be the catalyst for storm development is just now coming ashore in the Pacific Northwest and it will dive to the south and east over the next few days. Low pressure will develop by early Sunday morning in the southeastern states and this system will then make a move to the northeast and it’ll encounter an Arctic air mass that will be quite reluctant to give up its ground. As a result, a significant snow and ice event is likely to take place across interior sections of Georgia and the Carolinas on Sunday morning and mid-day. After that, precipitation will push into the Mid-Atlantic region with cold, dense air in place and a period of snow and/or ice is likely in most interior sections with rain a likelihood along coastal areas. The DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor is in line for accumulating snow on the front-end of this storm and this can be followed by a period of icing given the expectation that the dense, cold low-level air mass will be tough to dislodge.

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11:30 AM | ****Significant winter storm threat for the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US later Sunday into Monday****

Paul Dorian

The chances are growing for a significant winter storm to impact the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US from later Sunday into Monday. In fact, many ingredients appear to be coming together for a storm system that can have a high impact over a large area of the eastern third of the nation from later Sunday into Monday with snow, ice, rain, coastal flooding, and even high (damaging) winds on the table. There are many details that still have to be ironed out with several days to go before this potential event and the main upper-level wave of energy is way out over the Pacific Ocean. The I-95 corridor may be right on or near the dividing line between substantial snowfall to the north and west and a mix of rain, ice and snow to the south and east.

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1:50 PM | ***Numerous power outages in New England from nor’easter…tornadoes in Deep South…next storm for the Mid-Atlantic/NE US arrives Friday with more significant rain and wind***

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern continues today with a powerful nor’easter finally starting to pull away from the New England coastline and a vigorous upper-level low over Texas that has resulted in an outbreak of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in the Deep South. This same upper-level low will push to the east over the next 24 hours and contribute to a windy and rainy end to the week in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US.

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11:45 AM | *Very powerful storm to impact the west coast from Sunday into Monday…same system can result in a mid-week severe weather outbreak and a strong east coast storm by late next week*

Paul Dorian

One strong storm system has impacted the west coast states from Washington-to-California in the past 24 hours or so with significant rainfall, but an even stronger storm is likely have an impact from Sunday into Monday. In fact, this next storm could become the strongest system in many years to impact the region from British Columbia (Canada) to California. Rainfall will be excessive with this next storm, winds will be powerful and potentially damaging, and snow will pile up in the higher elevations of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in eastern California. The upper-level support for this system is likely to then cross the country next week and that could result in a mid-week severe weather outbreak and a late week storm near the eastern seaboard.

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7:00 AM | *Warm weather next few days, but a strong cold front will usher in noticeably cooler conditions for the weekend*

Paul Dorian

It’ll stay rather warm during the next few days across northern Alabama with afternoon temperatures in the middle 80’s to go along with copious amounts of sunshine. A strong cold front will arrive at week’s end and bring with it a chance of showers and thunderstorms later Friday and Friday night. It’ll turn noticeably cooler on Saturday following the passage of the cold front and temperatures will be much closer to the 70 degree mark this weekend for the afternoon highs.

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10:45 AM | *Yet another cloudy day in the Mid-Atlantic region, but sunshine will indeed soon make a return and there will be an accompanying warming trend…next cold front arrives this weekend*

Paul Dorian

It has been a drab and dreary weather pattern in the Mid-Atlantic region during the past several days with plenty of low-level moisture and rather stubborn cloudiness. Thick clouds rule the skies today and will likely do so again for much of Wednesday; however, there is reason to believe sunshine will return later in the week and this will be accompanied by a warming trend. In fact, temperatures by Friday afternoon should climb into the 80’s across much of the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. A strong cold front arrives this weekend bringing with it a chance of showers and thunderstorms and it’ll turn noticeably cooler on Sunday and Monday.

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7:00 AM | *Chance of rain diminishes by day's end*

Paul Dorian

There is a continuing threat of showers and thunderstorms today across northern Alabama, but a shift in low-levels winds to more of a westerly direction will gradually push in some drier air likely ending the threat of rain. With the threat of rain diminishing, a warming trend will begin on Friday with the return of more sunshine and temperatures can climb back into the middle 80’s for highs this weekend.

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7:00 AM | *An unsettled weather pattern brings the threat of heavy rainfall to northern Alabama*

Paul Dorian

A very unsettled weather pattern in the Tennessee valley for the next couple of days with a frontal system extending southward from the Mid-Atlantic to coastal Mississippi. This front is supported aloft by a low pressure trough that will shift nearby today enhancing our chances for rain. In fact, the threat for showers and thunderstorms will continue through tomorrow night and some of the rain that falls can be heavy at times.

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