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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: NYC

10:00 AM | ****Snow squalls on Sunday with Arctic front…accumulating snow later Monday into Tuesday…another threat of accumulating snow on Friday to be followed by an Arctic blast****

Paul Dorian

It’ll be quite an active week in the Mid-Atlantic region beginning with the arrival of an Arctic front on Sunday followed by a couple chances for accumulating snow during the work week and then there can be another Arctic blast next weekend. The arrival of the Arctic front on Sunday can come with powerful wind gusts and snow squalls that can put down a quick small accumulation anytime from late-morning to mid-afternoon. During the week, low pressure is likely to intensify just off the Carolina coastline on Monday night and Tuesday and this system will bring some accumulating snow to the I-95 corridor from later Monday into Tuesday. Another system will likely push into the Mid-Atlantic region at the end of the work week - possibly with another round of accumulating snow - and there is likely to be an impressive Arctic blast to follow for next weekend.

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6:30 AM | ***Heavy rain and strong winds out for localized flooding...snow threat early-to-mid next week***

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm system that will produce blizzard conditions across the Midwest and Great Lakes will the Mid-Atlantic region more heavy rain and strong winds from early tonight into early Saturday. Given the already well saturated grounds from recent heavy rain, localized flooding is likely to become an issue with the coming rainfall and with the strong winds expected, isolated power outages are a possibility. Colder air will follow this storm for the second half of the weekend and for much of next week as well. Low pressure may intensify off the east coast in the early-to-middle part of next week and that could result in some accumulating snow for the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor, but details still need to be ironed out. There is also a second threat of snow for us late next week and that one could be followed by an Arctic blast into the Mid-Atlantic region.

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12:15 PM | ****Intense cold…Midwest/Great Lakes blizzard…Mid-Atlantic/NE US heavy rain, strong winds…impact on playoff games…accumulating snow threat(s) next week I-95 corridor****

Paul Dorian

Arctic air is now sliding into the northern US from western Canada and this cold air outbreak will likely become big weather news in coming days as it spreads across the nation. Indeed, the Arctic air will push all the way south to the Lower Rio Grande Valley region of Texas over the next few days and much colder air will advance eastward to the east coast by the end of the upcoming weekend. Another big weather story will be the next powerful storm system that will generate a blizzard for much of the Midwest and Great Lakes region and more heavy rain and strong winds for the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast US. The large storm and intense cold will indeed play a role in NFL playoff games this weekend with Kansas City likely near 0 degrees at game time on Saturday evening and Buffalo’s game on Sunday afternoon could feature heavy lake-effect snow bands and very high winds.

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7:00 AM | ***Heavy rain, strong winds on Friday night...accumulating snow threat early next week***

Paul Dorian

Another powerful storm system can bring heavy rain and strong winds to the Mid-Atlantic region on Friday night and this next system will usher in much colder air for the second half of the upcoming weekend and it looks rather cold for much of next week as well. There are signs that a storm may intensify just off the east coast early-to-middle next week and with the expected late weekend influx of much colder air, accumulating snow may be on the table for the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor. Indeed, there may be a second threat for snow in the I-95 corridor at the end of week with the possible influx of another Arctic air mass for the weekend of the 20th/21st.

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1:00 PM | ***Midwest/Great Lakes blizzard…more heavy rain, strong winds for Mid-Atlantic/NE US…intense cold pushes south and east into the US…east coast threat early-to-mid next week***

Paul Dorian

As one powerful storm exits towards southeastern Canada, another system is gathering strength over the western US and it will become a powerhouse by Friday evening over the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes. This next strong storm will generate blizzard conditions over much of the Midwest and Great Lakes region from later Friday into Saturday and it’ll produce more heavy rain and strong winds for the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. Meanwhile, there has been a buildup of intense cold air over western Canada in recent days and it is now slipping south and east and into the US. This late week/weekend major storm system will actually help in its advance to the south and east and much colder air will work its way all the way to the eastern seaboard by the second half of the weekend. As it turns out, there are signs that a storm may intensify early next week somewhere near the east coast and with the expected late weekend influx of much colder air, accumulating snow may be on the table this time for the big cities along the I-95 corridor.

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7:00 AM | ***Still windy today with gusts to 50 mph...another storm brings heavy rain/strong winds here on Friday night...colder air to follow***

Paul Dorian

The powerful storm system that brought heavy rainfall to the region yesterday and last night will push to our northwest today and winds will remain strong and shift to a west-to-southwest direction. While not as powerful as late yesterday and last night, winds can gust to 50 mph or so and there can be a few residual rain showers. Another powerful storm system can bring heavy rain and strong winds to the Mid-Atlantic region on Friday night and this second system will usher in much colder air for the latter part of the upcoming weekend and early part of next week. In fact, there will be some intense cold this weekend dropping southward from Canada into the US and some of this Arctic air will trek south and east reaching the eastern seaboard later in the weekend.  A third storm system threatens the eastern states early-to-mid next week and this time snow or a mix of snow and ice will be on the table in the I-95 corridor given the expected preceding influx of Arctic air.

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1:15 PM | ****Heavy rain, powerful winds in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US…flooding and numerous power outages on the table…a second powerful storm at week’s end…some intense cold****

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm system will bring heavy rainfall and increasingly strong winds to the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US this afternoon and tonight leading to localized flooding and unfortunately, numerous power outages are on the table. The grounds are well-saturated from recent heavy rain events and today’s storm can add another 2 or 3 inches with isolated higher amounts possible. Winds can gust to 55 or 60 mph along the interior sections of the I-95 corridor with even higher amounts along coastal sections of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US. As a result, trees, limbs and power lines will be quite vulnerable leading to the fear that power outages can become widespread.

Another powerful storm system can bring heavy rain and strong winds to the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US on Friday night and this second system will usher in much colder air for the latter part of the weekend and early part of next week. In fact, there will be some intense cold this weekend dropping southward from Canada into the US and some of this air will trek south and east reaching the eastern seaboard later in the weekend.  A third storm system threatens the eastern states early-to-mid next week and this time snow will be on the table in the I-95 corridor given the expected preceding influx of Arctic air.

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7:00 AM | ****Heavy rain and strong winds from later today into Wednesday...flooding and power outages on the table with this powerful storm system****

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm system will bring heavy rain to the NYC metro region later this afternoon and tonight and significant flooding is on the table. Some spots can receive as much as 2-3 inches of rain and this will be on top of already well-saturated grounds from multiple heavy rain events in recent weeks. In addition to the heavy rainfall, winds will become increasingly strong with potentially damaging gusts to 55 mph or so raising the possibility of broken limbs, downed trees and numerous power outages. Another significant storm system can produce similar conditions around here from late Friday into early Saturday (i.e., heavy rain and strong winds). A third storm system threatens the Mid-Atlantic region during the first half of next week and this time snow will be on the table.

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10:45 AM | ****Heavy rain, potentially damaging winds in the Mid-Atlantic/NE US from Tuesday into Wednesday…second powerhouse storm system at week’s end and a Midwest blizzard...some intense cold****

Paul Dorian

A very active weather pattern will continue this week with two powerhouse storm systems to deal with across much of the nation. The initial storm system will produce lots of snowfall from today into Tuesday in a zone from the central Plains to the Midwest. This same system will produce heavy rain on Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday night in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US with significant flooding on the table. In addition, strong and potentially damaging winds will accompany this first storm system raising the chance of power outages from later tomorrow into Wednesday across the northeastern states.

By the end of the week, another powerful storm system will be taking shape and this one will have more in the way of Arctic air to work with and a blizzard is likely across much of the Midwest with additional heavy rainfall and strong winds destined for the eastern seaboard. The passage of the weekend storm will usher in much colder air for the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US and signs continue to point to some intense cold possibly moving into the central and eastern US by early next week. In addition, attention will turn to the possibility of yet another storm system to deal with in the eastern states during the early or middle part of next week.

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7:00 AM | ****Heavy rain tomorrow afternoon and night with significant flooding on the table...strong and potentially damaging winds with numerous power outages a threat****

Paul Dorian

A powerful storm system will bring heavy rain to the NYC metro region tomorrow afternoon and night and significant flooding is on the table. Some areas can receive a few inches of rain during this upcoming event and this will be on top of already well-saturated grounds from recent heavy rain storms. In addition to the heavy rain, this storm will feature strong and potentially damaging winds that raises the possibility of numerous power outages in the Mid-Atlantic region from later tomorrow into Wednesday. On the front side of the storm, east-to-southeast winds can gust past 50 mph and on the back side (Wednesday), they can gust past 40 mph from a west-to-southwest direction potentially resulting in some downed trees or broken limbs. Another significant storm system can produce similar conditions around here late from late Friday into Saturday.

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