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Weather forecasting and analysis, space and historic events, climate information

Filtering by Category: Medium Range Outlooks

****Messy weekend with rain, strong winds…snow can precede the rain on Saturday with accumulations possible; especially, north of PA/MD border...a mid-week snow threat****

Paul Dorian

A major storm system that pounded the western US will cross the country and impact the northeastern states this weekend. There will be plenty of rainfall and strong winds during this weekend event in the Mid-Atlantic region, but snow and ice are likely at the onset with some accumulations possible on Saturday; especially, north of the PA/MD border. Once this system passes, cold air will pour into the northeastern states on powerful and potentially damaging NW winds and next week looks quite cold across much of the central and eastern US. Low pressure is likely to gather strength in the southern states by the middle of next week aided by an influx of Gulf moisture and it looks like it may become an accumulating snow threat by later Wednesday or Thursday.

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****Strong storm pounds western US...reaches northeastern states this weekend...very cold next week...mid-week east coast major storm threat****

Paul Dorian

A major storm system will pound the western states during the next couple of days and it will then trek across the nation and wreak havoc in the eastern states this weekend. In California, the rainfall in coming days will be heavy all along low-lying coastal sections from Oregon to the Mexican border, and snowfall will be measured by the foot in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. By the early part of the upcoming weekend, this same storm system will bring flooding rainfall to the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys and then significant snow is likely on Sunday across interior New York State and New England.

In the Mid-Atlantic region, there will be plenty of rainfall this weekend; however, it is likely to be preceded on the front-end by snow and accumulations are possible; especially, to the north of the PA/MD border. Cold air will pour into the eastern states following this weekend storm system and next week is indeed looking very cold across the eastern two-thirds of the nation. Low pressure is likely to gather strength in the southern states by the middle of next week aided by an influx of Gulf moisture and it could become a major east coast storm system by later Wednesday or Thursday.

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11:30 AM | ***Active pattern continues...double-barrel weekend storm system with snow or ice possible on the front end...rain to follow...possibly heavy...east coast storm threat later next week***

Paul Dorian

One low pressure system is pulling away this morning and another one is following right on its heels and will end up over the eastern Great Lakes by early Thursday. There will be some snow shower activity in the Mid-Atlantic region during the next several hours and then (light) mixed precipitation late today/early tonight should change to plain rain by late tonight/early tomorrow. Another storm system will hit the Mid-Atlantic region during the weekend and it’ll have an impact on both Saturday and Saturday. At the front end, there can be a burst of snow and/or sleet later Saturday morning or mid-day...perhaps even some accumulations north of the PA/MD border...and then rain is likely on Saturday night and Sunday. In fact, some of the rain can be heavy at times which would raise some flooding concerns given the combination of the rain with melting snow. A strong cold front pushes through the Mid-Atlantic later Sunday ushering in much colder-than-normal air mass for the first half of next week. By the middle of next week, we’ll have to watch for the possibility of an east coast storm system that would have plenty of cold air to work with in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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12:30 PM (Tuesday) | ****A wild ten days of weather****

Paul Dorian

The hits just keep on coming and it looks like a wild ten days of weather...

The very active weather patten will bring the Mid-Atlantic region a snow event later today/tonight...a mixed precipitation event later tomorrow/tomorrow night...a weekend double-barreled strong storm system with gusty winds, rain that can get heavy at times, and snow cannot be ruled out on the front end...and, finally, there can be an east coast storm threat later next week.

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1:15 PM | ***Accumulating snow in the Mid-Atlantic from later tomorrow into early Wednesday...highest amounts across DC, Virginia, Delmarva, southern NJ...more wintry precipitation Wed. night***

Paul Dorian

The next low pressure to impact the Mid-Atlantic region will take more of a southern track compared to recent systems and head to a position off the Mid-Atlantic coastline by early Wednesday. As a result, cold air will become better established farther to the south and we are looking at primarily a snow event in the Mid-Atlantic including across the DC metro region. Given the southern track, the highest snowfall amounts are likely to cut across the southern Mid-Atlantic in places like DC, Virginia, Delmarva and southern New Jersey where several inches are possible. A follow-up low pressure system will quickly follow from late Wednesday into Thursday, and it will have a lot of cold air on its front end likely resulting in snow and/or sleet by Wednesday evening in much of the Mid-Atlantic region. However, this second system will take a track to the northwest of I-95 and that path will allow for milder air to push northward resulting in a changeover by Thursday of snow/sleet to freezing rain and rain.

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***The hits just keep on, snow Saturday/Saturday Night…accumulating snow later Tuesday into Wednesday with highest amounts southern Mid-Atlantic...other threats to follow***

Paul Dorian

The hits just keep on coming...

An active weather pattern will bring two more winter storms to the Mid-Atlantic region between the weekend and the early-to-middle part of next week and there will be multiple other threats to follow. Low pressure will ride up along the Appalachian Mountains late Saturday as a secondary system forms off the Mid-Atlantic coastline. The result will be snow, sleet and freezing rain in the Mid-Atlantic region from Saturday into Saturday night with significant icing in some areas . The bulk of Super Bowl Sunday will be dry with no travel issues expected during the afternoon hours leading up time to the game (starts at 6:30pm). Another storm is likely to take more of a southern track early next week compared to recent systems heading directly to the Mid-Atlantic coastline. This next storm system will bring accumulating snow to the Mid-Atlantic from later Tuesday into Wednesday and perhaps significant amounts in places like the Washington, D.C. metro region.

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12:15 PM | ****Ice threat southern Mid-Atlantic...mainly snow event northern Mid-Atlantic...similar “mixed precipitation” scenario this weekend...snow threat by middle of next week****

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will bring three winter storm systems to the Mid-Atlantic region during the next week or so. The first system will bring a mix of precipitation types to the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor from tonight into tomorrow morning and all areas are likely to feature slippery road conditions for the Thursday AM commute. A thin layer of air with slightly above-freezing temperatures will push into the upper part of the atmosphere later tonight from the DC metro region to southeastern PA and this will lead to many hours of sleet and/or freezing rain depending on location. It looks like mainly a snow event in the NYC metro area during the overnight and early morning hours though sleet and rain can mix in at times. All areas along the Mid-Atlantic’s I-95 corridor are likely to experience slippery road conditions for the Thursday AM commute. A similar scenario with mixed precipitation is likely this weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region from late Saturday into early Sunday and there is the potential for accumulating snow during the early-to-middle part of next week as this very active weather pattern continues.

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****Icy mess in Mid-Atlantic from late Wed. into early Thurs..... breakdown for DC, Philly, NYC...slippery roads for Thursday AM commute...repeat performance this weekend...snow threat next week****

Paul Dorian

An active weather pattern will likely bring three winter storm systems to the Mid-Atlantic region during the next week or so. The first system will bring a mix of precipitation to the DC-to-Philly-to-NYC corridor from late tomorrow into Thursday morning and all areas are likely to experience slippery road conditions for the Thursday AM commute. A thin layer aloft of slightly above-freezing air will push into the region on Wednesday night, and this will play a big role in precipitation types ranging from snow-to-sleet-to-freezing rain to just plain rain. Always a difficult forecast when dealing with these thin layers, but my initial feeling on this mid-week threat in the I-95 corridor is as follows: DC metro region will get hit hard with freezing rain leading to a significant ice-buildup, the Philly metro region may have an extended period of sleet, and the NYC metro region may actually see snow for much of the event that certainly can mix with sleet at times. A similar weather event could unfold for the upcoming weekend in the Mid-Atlantic region with a “snow-to-sleet-to-freezing rain-to-plain rain” scenario on the table. Looking past the weekend system, there very well may be an accumulating snow threat for much of the Mid-Atlantic region by the middle of next week and it can be significant.

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****An active February with multiple winter storms...mid-week ice threat in Mid-Atlantic...possible front end snow...back-end plain rain...similar scenario this weekend...snow threat next week****

Paul Dorian

February is now a few days old, and it looks like it will be a very active month with plenty of cold air around and it is likely to feature a polar vortex “split” and high-latitude blocking. There should be plenty of opportunities for snow, ice and rain in the Mid-Atlantic region as we progress through the month with just the next week or so likely to feature as many as three precipitation events. The first opportunity comes at mid-week, and it may turn out to be the first significant icing event in quite awhile for much of the Mid-Atlantic region with possible snow on the front end and plain rain on the back end. A similar scenario may take place this weekend with frozen precipitation possible on the front-end of the next storm system and plain rain on the back end. A third storm may threaten by the middle of next week and this one should have more cold air to work with raising the chance of accumulating snow in the Mid-Atlantic region.

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****A look ahead to the month of February…a polar vortex split, plenty of cold air around, and a very active pattern which includes the potential of significant icing in some cases****

Paul Dorian

February is now underway and it looks like it will be a very active month with plenty of cold air around and is likely to feature a stratospheric polar vortex split that can impact US temperatures all the way into March. There should be plenty of opportunities for snow, ice and rain in the Mid-Atlantic region and Northeast US as we progress through the new month with just the next week or so likely to feature as many as three precipitation events. Another player on the field that will have to be monitored this month will be the occasional appearance of the Southeast US high pressure ridge – often seen during La Nina winters – and this enhances the possibility of quite warm conditions across the southern states and also chances for severe weather.

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